Chapter One

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"In other news...."

Sighing and grabbing the remote, Y/n turned the TV off as she pulled her red sweater over her head. She had just finished putting on her jeans, socks, and black boots when her phone began ringing. 'I don't think I was supposed to call anyone today. I  don't have any appointments to go to, do I?' She thought. Beyond confused now, she pulled her phone from her pocket and looked at the caller ID. Confused she pressed the answer button, not knowing who was on the other end of the call. "Hello?" She asked, the confusion clear in her voice.

"Good morning Miss L/n. My name is Markus, I am your grandmother's executor and I'm calling on behalf of her as you are the only beneficiary listed in her will and she has recently passed away. I would like to go over everything that is being given to you as it is quite the list. You will be given her house, 2 cars, 8 hybrids, and the 3.5 billion dollars she has saved." Y/n blinked as the words settled in. She didn't realize she had a grandmother on her father's side since he never mentioned her before. The only grandmother she knew of was her mother's mom, and you had been to her funeral when she passed. "If you are not busy, we would like to get this finalized so we get the paperwork settled and sent over," Markus said.

Y/n checked her wall clock and noticed that she had at most, 3 hours before she needed to be to her first class and sighed.  Rubbing her temple, she took a deep breath before answering."Alright. I can be there in 10 minutes." She replied before hanging up. Y/n rubbed her temples before grabbing her purse, and keys. She tucked her phone in her back pocket and walked out of her apartment and locked the door behind her. She walked out to her car and unlocked the door and climbed into the front seat. Ten minutes passed as she pulled into the parking lot. Taking a breath, she exited her car and entered the building.

The receptionist looked up and smiled. "Are you here to see Markus? He is waiting in room 245. I can bring you to the room if you would like." The lady said. Y/n nodded her head as she hadn't been to an office like this before. As she entered the room, Markus looked up and smiled. "Welcome! Take a seat and we can begin." He said, passing over a copy of the papers he was looking over. Y/n skimmed through the papers and raised an eyebrow. "I never knew my grandmother on a personal level. Why am I the only one getting everything? Doesn't she still have a family?" Y/n asked, looking over the documents.

Markus simply shook his head before he began to walk her through the process she would need to do to complete the transactions. By the time Y/n left the office, she had completed everything required and sighed in relief. She could feel a headache coming on and groaned. Returning home, she began to pack all the little things that she wasn't using. Having learned that the house was only a thirty-minute drive from her current location and roughly a 40 minute drive from her college, she was even willing to get everything moved the same day. 

Dusting her hands together, she looked over the boxes that she had finished placing in her trunk to make sure she had gotten everything. When she counted everything, she closed the trunk and ran back to her apartment to make sure she didn't leave anything behind. Checking the two rooms she had one last time before grabbing the apartment key and went to the front desk. After talking with the owner, she was given her security deposit back. She bowed slightly before waving goodbye and heading to her car. Sitting in the car for a moment to let everything sink in, Y/n shook her head to focus and began to drive away from the apartment. She texted her professor that she wouldn't make it to class today and expressed her apologies.

Y/n turned off the freeway and drove for a few moments before her GPS had her turning onto a dirt road. She continued to drive up the road before a beautiful house was reviewed between the tree lines. It was nestled against the side of the mountain with a stream running in front of the house that Y/n noticed as she drove through said stream. She was impressed though. The house was extremely modern in terms of design (Look at the picture- That's the look of the house.) As Y/n drove past the house to wrap around to the back, she noticed that the house had been maintained in the time of her grandma's passing and Y/n being given the house.

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