Chapter Four

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A/N: Sorry this came out so late! I just haven't had the drive to write recently. Hope you still enjoy it nonetheless!

Chan's POV:

WARNING: mentions of abuse, hint towards hurtful words, and neglect

{6 years before Y/n's grandma died}

I was 19 years old when this old woman adopted my pack and I. She seemed nice and gentle initially, gently talking with us and ensuring we were all comfortable. She gave us amazing home-cooked meals for the first three weeks that we were there with her. She made sure we had comfortable beds to sleep on. A comfort we didn't have in the hybrid shelter. As time went on, I noticed the shift in her attitude towards me and the others. I watched as she snapped at Han when he got excited when guests would come over to the house.

Towards the two months of her being our owner, she had snapped at Hyunjin, threaded Han, and threw things at me a total of 3 times each if we did something she didn't like. Her voice scared us. It unnerved us when she spoke gently when people were over, or when family was over. She had  locked Hyunjin in a cage for half a week because he accidentally scratched her sofa and left marks along the leather when she had let us roam the house for a mere moment. I was scared we would have to eventually run away and become strays. I would always watch her during the day. Watch for any sign that she was about to lose her temper with one of us.

{1 year later}

I watched as Han limped towards me with blood pouring from his front paw. We had resigned ourselves to staying in our animal forms as the old lady made it clear that if we showed our human form, she would kill us. I was shocked, to say the least. I never dreamed of someone abusing a hybrid  as badly as she did but here I was, holding Han's broken and bleeding paw in my hand trying to find something to wrap it up with so it can heal properly. "Will we ever find someone who will actually care about us and treat us kindly?" Han's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and it hurt. My heart aches at the tears that filled his eyes.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and placed Han's paw on a pillow I had found. "I don't know Han. I-I just don't know at this point." I said, feeling tears start to well up in my eyes. I watched everyone seemingly fall apart in front of my eyes. Felix seemed to be the only hybrid that the old lady even relatively liked and tolerated considering he was a cat and not a rare hybrid. The rest of us, well, long story short, we were chained up in the basement. Hyunjin was the only exception to the chains because he was small. I lay on my paws and looked around at the other hybrids. To say my heart broke would be an understatement.

{5 years later}

It had only gotten worse. I watched as she fed us what could only look like garbage from a dark gray bin. Binnie was looking thinner by the day and it was really scaring me. Felix moved close to me hoping to make sure I still knew that he loved and cared about me but the old woman batted harshly at him and sent him scurrying off to who knows where in the house. I had plotted our escape and waited for the right time to run away. I couldn't take the idea of losing one of the others because we had literally grown up together. 

One day, I had managed to pull free of the old chain she had clasped around my neck that night in the basement, and snuck up the stairs. I hide behind the wall that separated the kitchen from the stairs to the basement and watched as she  sat at the kitchen table with a piece of paper in front of her and a pen in her hand as she simply stared ahead for a moment before she looked down at the paper and began to write. When she had gone to bed, I snuck over to the table and read the paper. Believe it or not, I knew how to read before the old woman adopted us. What caught my eye was a sentence at the end of the paper: "I leave everything, the house, the cars, the money, and my 8 hybrids to my estranged granddaughter, Y/n." I felt my heart sink to my stomach. There was no way to leave this hellhole. We were stuck and we would be forever. I ran back to the basement and tried my hardest to sleep that night. Nothing seemed to work and I stayed awake the entire night. That morning, I stood to venture to the kitchen to find food but I yelped when a tug on my throat caught me by surprise. The old lady must have come down stairs before going to bed that night and put a new heavier chain on my neck again. One that wouldn't let me escape.

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