Chapter Two

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As morning rays filtered through the curtains, Y/n sat up and stretched her arms above her head. A yawn escaped her lips as she shifted her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Walking into the bathroom, she brushed her hair out and pulled it into a ponytail and applied a small amount of make-up before walking out of the bathroom. She changed into a long-sleeved orange shirt with red and white stripes. The trumpet sleeves ruffled and swayed as she pulled the shirt on before pulling on a pair of jeans that were ripped slightly at the knee. She sat on the bed and pulled on white socks before pulling on black ankle boots. She pulled out a few rings that her mother had given to her moments before her passing and placed them on her fingers. 

Walking out of her bedroom, she enters the kitchen to find Chan and Felix at the stove making breakfast. A smile graced her lips as she walked in. "Good morning Chan. Good morning Felix. How did you sleep last night?" She asked, moving towards the coffee machine and getting coffee up and running. Chan looked over at you and smiled happily. "I slept well, thank you for asking." Chan answered. "Good Morning Y/n. It was the best sleep I've had in years!" Felix giggled racing over to her and wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around him and returned the hug.

The other hybrids soon filed into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Good morning! I would love to stay but I have places I need to get to this morning. Chan, you're in charge!" Y/n said, grabbing her coffee and grabbing her backpack. She pulled a tan fuzzy overcoat over her arms and walked to the front door. "Where are you going?" Changbin called out, stuffing a sausage in his mouth. She chuckled before shifting her purse over her head and sitting snug on her shoulder. "I have to go and make an appointment at the vet for everyone, and I need to schedule a renovation appointment for the basement, plus I have a 9:30 am class I need to get to." She said, opening the door and jogging to her car.

Chan watched from the front window as her car pulled away from the house before turning back towards the others. "Let's eat while the food is hot, and we can find something to do while she is out." Chan said, watching as they moved from the living room to the kitchen to fill up their plates. Once they had all finished breakfast and were lounging on the couch, Chan sighed to himself before going to the sink and began to clean the dishes. Chan didn't know what he and the other hybrids were going to do while Y/n was out. He finished what he was doing before he walked over to the couch and plopped down on the cushions.

"Do you think she is doing this to get on our good side?" I.N suddenly asked. Chan looked at the fox hybrid and gave him a soft smile. "No. I believe that she is genuinely worried about us. She doesn't act like her grandmother in any way shape or form." Chan said, his wolf appearing and curling up on the couch. His eyes grow heavy as he yawns and closes his eyes. He opened one eye when he felt pressure against his side and found I.N pressed against his side sleeping.

~ ~ ~ ~

Y/n glared at the receptionist at the vet. "I need to bring in 8 hybrids for check-ups and you're telling me you have no doctors that have available days to see my hybrids?" She asked. The receptionist popped her gum, looked at Y/n, and rolled her eyes. Y/n sighed angrily before crossing her arms over her chest. "Get me you boss. This is bullshit." Y/n snapped. She was running late and told her professor that she had a few things she needed to do before she could come to class. Y/n watched the receptionist's face go pale before she stood up and walked to a door that led to the back of the building. A woman who looked to be in her early 40's walks out. She greets Y/n professionally and shakes her hand. "What can I do for you?" She asked. Y/n gave the woman a bright smile. "I just need to see if there is a possibility to get my 8 hybrids in for a check-up. They were my grandma's before she passed away and she never took them to the vet, and I was hoping that I could bring them in." Y/n explained.

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