Chapter Three

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Four days had passed and they were uneventful. Y/n had waited for Octavia to show up; but like Y/n had said, Octavia never did. Y/n sat up from her bed and looked around. It was a day when she didn't attend college and she didn't have to go in for work, and the contractors would be coming by to start working in the basement. She stood from her bed and walked into the living room where the hybrids were either watching TV, sleeping, or cleaning the kitchen after making breakfast for everyone. She cleared her throat and all their attention was on her, except for the three hybrids in the kitchen, and the ones who were sleeping, quickly opened their eyes and looked over at her. "I understand that my grandmother never took you outside while you lived in her care, but I will be taking you out more. For that to happen, I have to buy collars for everyone." She said, her heart clenching at the thought of having them in collars.

She looked  around the room gauging the different reactions of all the hybrids. Some looked happy that they would get a collar. Others looked displeased. She felt her heart sink further into her stomach but she knew that this had to happen. Sighing, Y/n moved over to Minho, Hyunjin, Han and Changbin. The four hybrids were not keen on having a collar around their necks and it showed. They simply scowled at her phone when it came to them. Y/n placed a hand on Changbin's head and the tiger hybrid snapped his head up, his full attention on her. "I know that you don't like the idea of collars. I wouldn't either. However, I will compromise with you. You can go collar-free when you are here at the house. How does that sound?" Y/n asked.

Changbin snorted but nodded his head. "I guess that can work." He mumbled. She gave him a small smile before taking her phone back when he handed it to her. She then passed it around to the other three hybrids before it returned to her. She checked over the order and found they had each put two collars in the cart. She quickly pressed the "BUY NOW" button and watched the app send the order. She nodded her head and tucked her phone in her pocket. She turned back to Chan and other hybrids only to watch as they now darted around the room in an attempt to get away from a now angry-looking Panther hybrid. Y/n laughed loudly before shaking her head as the sound of their laughter filled the air.

Walking into the kitchen, Y/n began to prepare for lunch as the hybrids had calmed down from the small game of tag and began to wander around the front room as they tried to find a nice play to just lay down and rest. A knock at the door caused her head to rise in confusion. She dried her hands off and walked to the front door. Felix darted from the others and gripped Y/n's arm tightly. She looked back at him and noticed the fear in his eyes and immediately wanted to strangle whoever was at the door. She carefully opened the door and saw Octavia standing there. Her sister opened her mouth to say something but Y/n slammed the door in her face and locked it. She immediately went into the living room while Octavia pounded her first on the door and quickly ushered the hybrids towards her bedroom. "DO NOT leave this room until Octavia is gone. I will come and get you once she leaves." Y/n said noticing the stressed look in their eyes.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and immediately called the police, explaining her situation to them as they sent a few patrol cars to her location. As she ended the call, she could hear the wailing of sirens in the distance. Y/n took a deep breath before unlocking the door and opening it. "I told you the cops would be here if you came to the house." Y/n said, pointing to the police as they pulled into her driveway behind Octavia's car and stocked up towards the house. "What seems to be the problem?" A tall officer in his mid 40's asked. Y/n smiled politely and pointed at her Octavia. "I was given the deed to my grandma's house after she passed. I was given the rights to everything she owned and my sister, who disowned our family claims that it is hers. I have all the paperwork if you would like to look at it." Y/n said, offering to go and get the said papers.

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