MD Vampire AU Part 2

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Silently, N got off Uzi, giving her his hand to lift her
up. Nervously, she took it, and shivered from his cold skin.
The two stood silently, the previous unspoken exchange had made them calm, but left them in an awkward position. N- finally having some company- was keen to keep Uzi outside, and coughed before speaking "I didn't mean to- you know- crash".
His voice stumbled a little, and the vampire was noticeably anxious. "I figured you wanted to eat me..?" Uzi responded, nervously looking at N's face, straining her neck slightly since he was almost a foot taller than her.
N half-laughed and mumbled something about self control and lack of balance. Uzi snickered politely as she sat herself back down on the tree, inviting N to sit beside her. Ns tail wagged as he sat down with her.

"'re a human? Are you a bunker kid?" N asked- still trying to think of words. Uzi smiled gently at him "Yeah but I'm not telling you where it is", she lightly punched his arm. Teasing her sudden friend. However N just laughed "We already know where all the bunkers are! It's just the nearest has these stupid doors"
Uzi's eyes widened in fear, and N caught himself, realising his mistake in laughing at the idea of bloodshed.
The two looked away from each other- the awkwardness having returned due to Ns animalistic instinct.

Come on Uzi- you wanna know- might as well ask before he gets hungry and rips you to shreds

"Um..N...why do you- you know" Uzi asked nervously, turning slightly to get a better look at Ns face. The vampire tipped his head as he looked back at her, trying to gather his thoughts, N took a minute. "I cut because I often feel afraid- not because of murder or blood, or any of that stuff- I'm afraid my teammates are gonna leave me" he said the last sentence in whisper. Recognising the tone from her own experience, Uzi placed a hand on and shoulder while he continued.

"J's the leader- she's awesome but I don't think she likes me- I'm not exactly good at my job and she once said my face pissed her off" N grumbled the last line, but smiled slightly when he saw Uzi's hand still gently resting on his shoulder, taking a breath- N spoke again. "V's the best- as in the best at killing- I love her-" the vampire blurted out without thinking. Nervously he looked at the human, and she signalled that it would be a secret, but N noticed her removing the hand from his shoulder. "Overall I guess I just want to take it out on myself...since it's my fault for everything" N finished, he'd left a few things out, but in his defence he met this human about 10 minutes ago.

Uzi was satisfied, and sighed her own story "People that should be close don't like me either- not even my dad cares much about me- that's why I do it".
Again, the story was incomplete, but Uzi was yet to fully trust the vampire beside her.

With both their stories finished, the two found themselves sitting silently, but it wasn't an empty silence, as the two both pondered the other's feelings.

N broke the silence again "I don't like killing humans much- but if I don't drink enough blood- then I'm done for"

The human looked up again at her Vampire companion, he was staring up into space, his expression was difficult to read and Uzi could only just see a hint of pain in his eyes. Still nervous, but feeling risky, Uzi lent her head on his muscular arm, "I hate how bad your friends make you feel".

Surprised by the affection in her action and concern in her voice, N felt himself blush. The girl next to him was tiny- probably only 5'2 max, she was skinny and tan skinned, with shoulder length purple hair that you could just about spot growing black at the roots. N had never seen someone who looked like her, never really got the chance to look at the worker humans when sucking their lives away.

"I hate how your dad doesn't care enough" he finally spoke, looking down at Uzi, he adjusted his arm to wrap around her.

Shocked at Ns move- Uzi held back her gasp while her face turned pink. She was in the arms of a stranger- but a hot muscular stranger- bonus points, he was really tall.

Thank you anime gods

The two of them sat silently for a few more minutes when Uzi felt her phone buzz, she signalled for N to be quiet when she saw it was her dad.
"Hey dad- no I'm safe- just hanging around near the doors- I did not!!! Ugh I'll be home soon calm down- DO NOT GROUND ME for this- NO I'M NOT YELLING- Ugh whatever BITE ME!" She finished the call looking noticeably exhausted, Uzi was desperate to go to her room and cry- but she'd have to face her father first- and she'd rather die than be vulnerable in front of him.

N noticed her expression, and more-so, how quick she got out from under his arm. He watched as she ran to pick up her stuff, knives and stakes all previously flung from her bag now coated in snow.

Unsure what to do, N grabbed Uzi's shoulder and stammered "I'll fly you back- I promise I won't come in- but you'll be back quicker".
Uzi considered Ns offer, it was risky, but this boy had multiple chances to stuff her in his mouth and had taken none of them. She was probably safe to trust him.

"Don't make me regret this" she answered, climbing onto Ns back- dodging the slits in his clothes she assumed those were for his wings.

She was right that those were the wing ports, and quickly N sprouted what looked like angelic wings, feathered and shinning as white as the snow.

Again, Uzi blushed.

The two rose off into the sky, flying would only take them about 5 minutes, but N deliberately chose what he considered an entertaining route, racing around the spire and over a small frozen pond. Uzi couldn't help herself and raised one hand to feel the air push it back. The flight ended a lot faster than Uzi hoped and she could practically feel the heat emanating from her cheeks.

You've known this guy for like 5 seconds come on-

"Thanks for the lift- and talk" Uzi mumbled trying to hide her flushed face under her beanie and hand.
N smiled at her, having landed purposefully out of sight of cameras, he felt secure enough to playfully tap her head.

"Hey what- BITE ME!" Uzi snarled, still red-faced from blush.
N snickered and took a step back, holding Uzi's beanie in his hand.
He wasn't completely sure why he was so desperate, but N knew that he wanted Uzi to come out of her bunker again.

Uncertain if she'd hate him or not, N raised the beanie high out of Uzi's reach and spoke "I'll give it back when I next see you, I'm around this area of the city nighttime every weekday- no other vampires will be here".

Uzi registered what N was saying, and groaned "I guess we both need more friends".
N's smirk became a genuine smile and he lent down at Uzi's motion. Expecting her to maybe hug or shake his hand.

Instead Uzi snatched the pilot hat from Ns head, placing it on her much smaller skull. It was WAY too big for her, but she tipped it up and ran away grinning. Having her own card to play, ensuring that N had a reason to show up next time too.

The vampire watched his human friend run away back to her bunker and grinned. She had taken his hat- but stolen something else.

N had loved V for decades, he couldn't imagine loving anyone else but her- despite not remembering why he loved her in the first place.
Surely feelings that strong wouldn't fade because of one little human? Ns heart couldn't possibly beat louder for her than it did for V.
But as the vampire stood there- watching Uzi enter her bunker, still wearing his pilots hat loosely, he felt hungry.

I've eaten plenty today! I can't need blood that bad- plus....this feels different.

Ns hunger wasn't for food. It was for a girl he'd just met, yet seemed to care for him twice as much as anyone else.

What is wrong with me???

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