Under the coat (Envy & Nuzi)

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V sat in the same chair she was once tied up to blowing bubbles, N was wagging his tail in the corner thinking about biscuits, and Uzi was fiddling with her still broken ray gun. As the worker repaired what she could, her eyes wandered over to N, who had his eyes closed as he silently panted, the worker blushed slightly at him- which V of course noticed.

The female disassembly drone growled slightly, she wasn't entirely sure what her feelings for N were, but she didn't want Uzi to have him....or anyone else for that matter. She liked how he was hers.

A moment passed and Uzi scanned N's figure slowly, she was trying to take in his beauty but instead noticed something, N's coat reached his waist and he had nothing on his legs- did he wear anything under it?

"Hey um..N?" Uzi asked, blushing slightly at what she was about to ask. The ever eager N opened his eyes and grinned at her "Yes Uzi?"

Uzi blushed brighter but kept on "Do you wear anything under your coat?"

For some reason this made N's own visor flush, and V perk up slightly, Uzi had reminded her of a question she didn't even know she had. What did N wear under his coat?

A moment passed and V smirked at the silence, though her own visor was slightly yellow, she pressed N for an answer. "So...what is under there?" V teased, stepping up from her chair to be closer to N.

The poor boy shivered and backed up against the pod's ladder, terrified by both Uzi's curious expression and V's determined one, why did both his friends have to be so scary?!?

And so attractive-

N blushed brighter at his own thoughts, he knew he could never truly move on from V, but also that his feelings for Uzi were far more than just friendship. If you asked him to choose between them..he'd malfunction from overthinking. Despite N's obvious discomfort V pressed on, stepping closer and closer to N while Uzi felt her visor heat up, how dare she get so close to him?!

"N, you don't have to show us if you don't want to" Uzi claimed, standing up and walking towards the disassembly drones, taking N's hand in both of hers to comfort him. N blushed brighter but looked down at Uzi gratefully. On the outside Uzi seemed to be innocent, but on the inside she was cheering at her victory, look who N preferred now V!

While V was annoyed by Uzi stepping in, she bit her tongue and lent back on the wall beside N, purposely looking deflated. An expression N couldn't resist.

N subconsciously removed his hand from Uzi's to pat V's shoulder, smiling softly at her in an attempt to cheer her up, slowly leaning just a bit closer-

- and someone crashed into his lower torso, N looked down and Uzi was nuzzling her head on him, making both drones blush intensely. Despite having got herself into this situation, Uzi was panicking at what she'd done, a few minutes ago she was working on her ray gun. Now she was cuddling up to N's chest.

God damn it feels nice though.

Nuzzling further into his chest, Uzi felt N's core whir faster, displaying his panicked state. V was quiet, but smirked slightly at Uzi's attempt, so she wanted to play that way? That was alright by V~

"N~ Can you please say what's under there? It's kinda mean you won't say" V claimed, voice going high as she rubbed herself on N's side, making sure to place her head on his shoulder and breathe heavy.

Uzi growled slightly, but stopped when she realised she was still curious, did N wear anything under his coat?

Noticing he's two friends desperate expressions, N sighed and wrapped an arm around them each, pulling them in slightly. "I wear a T-Shirt- but no shorts or anything- it's not that exciting"

No shorts...

Uzi blushed bright purple at the idea of N not wearing any shorts, and considered pulling away from where she was leaning, but N's arm felt so comforting around her.

Smiling softly at his friends nuzzled on him, N's visor heated up, they were both being so physical. It was amazing to have the two most beautiful drones on the planet (in N's opinion) cuddle up to him this much. "Hey um..you guys okay?" N asked, noticing that neither female dared move from his embrace.

V shuffled closer into N's side, "Can we see? We know you don't have a dick so it's fine right? Just wanna make sure you're not hiding anything."

N and Uzi both turned yellow and purple respectively, while it was true that N technically had no actual genitalia down there, it was still considered inappropriate to view another drones downside.


"I'll take off my jacket so it's fair" V claimed, teasing the yellow faced N. "Yeah right, you actually have something under there- like you'd show it!" Uzi called out V's bluff.

V snickered at her soon to be victory "At least I have something under there~ you've got nothing to show...anywhere". Uzi fumed back a response but noticed the warmth she was leaning on depart, V also noticed the arm around her flee, as if the user was speeding away.

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU NAKED!!" Came a familiar voice from just outside the pod.

Both female drones snickered at each other. "First one to make him take off the coat gets to kiss him?" V questioned, earning a nod from the worker.

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