MD Vampire AU Part 12

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Yeah this chapter is steamy, not smut but pretty close

After trying and failing to come up with good explanations for what they just witnessed, V, N and Uzi all decided to rest and regroup in 12 hours.

V was invited back to Lizzy's house, her stating that she could use a 'bestie' to vent at after all of this. The humans were all completely traumatised from the event, seeing a fellow human essentially blow up into meat chunks was nightmare fuel.

The adults stayed behind to try and clean the murder scene, this included Khan, who gave Uzi and N a questioning look as they headed back towards his apartment.

N smiled all the way back to Uzi's, he pretended he didn't remember the route so that she'd walk slightly in front of him. Giving N the chance to look over her again and again, he could stare at her for hours normally, in the dress? He could do years.

Eventually the two made it back to the apartment and they immediately went to Uzi's room. N stood awkwardly in the doorway as Uzi sat down on her bed, looking away from his eyes.

A moment passed and N finally spoke "I- I wanted to come back Uzi, I really did but- V said if I went near you she'd kill everyone" his voice was quick and panicked.

Uzi looked up, tears falling down her face "How did that work out?"

The vampire whimpered at Uzis harsh tone, the sight of her tears also made him shake, trying his best not to pounce on her in an attempt to stop the crying.
Whether it was Ns whimpering or shaking, Uzi wiped her eyes before talking again "I missed you so much N". She had more to say, but was cut off by N essentially crashing into her, putting all his weight on her small body while rubbing his head on her neck.

For a moment Uzi stayed quiet, then felt the tears well up again, she missed the feeling of N being so close to her. She missed having him touch her delicately, she missed the feeling of having someone all to herself.

Both Uzi and N began to quietly sob, though N did his best to hide his. Eventually Uzi cupped his face while he was lying on top of her and kissed him gently. N kissed back, scooping Uzi up slightly with one arm so they could be more level.

Without really noticing, N positioned Uzi into his lap, one hand on her back and the other cupping her face. Uzi noticed the change and pulled away from Ns face, hands having moved down to his shoulders, gripping on to him tight.

They both blushed at the position but didn't move, N sighed and spoke again "Well it's better to do this sooner than later", he sounded stern and serious. Alerting Uzi to what he meant, she had completely forgotten about the agreement to be bitten so- what was N talking about?

Before she could ask N slammed his mouth onto Uzi's neck, aggressively kissing it while holding her tight at the waist. Uzi squealed at the strange sensation, and moaned slightly as N kept at it.

N smiled weakly at her, taking a break from kisses to run his hands on her torso, making her blush even brighter. "What are you doing?" Uzi asked, though it sounded less like a question and more of a request.

The vampire raised an eyebrow "Remember what we agreed? If I came back to the colony, I'd bite you".

Suddenly the cogs started turning in Uzi's mind again as she remembered everything that was said that day. She remembered N insisting on leaving, the kiss they exchanged, and the promise he'd made.

Uzi gazed down at her boyfriend, who still was resting his head on her shoulder, looking up for permission to continue.

Nervously, Uzi pushed N away slightly. Thinking that she'd changed her mind, N sighed, glad he wouldn't have to bite his lover.

He should have known Uzi never changed her mind that fast, she scooted from Ns lap- and seemingly without a care- tore off her dress.

N yelped and turned away from Uzi, who seemed to be giggling and rustling around in her wardrobe. Despite loving Uzi's body, N still wasn't used to the idea of seeing all of it, in fact he thought it might kill him to see such beauty.

A second later Uzi pulled Ns hands away from his head, she was dressed in a VERY short grey tank top and tight black shorts. N flushed at the sight of her body and noticed what she was holding out for him, it was a massive pair of grey sweatpants that could definitely fit him. N raised an eyebrow and Uzi mumbled something about an 'accident in the washers'.

Deciding he wanted to wind Uzi up like she had him, N changed right there on the bed, causing Uzi to blush bright and turn away. She almost looked like she was shaking slightly.

Ha ha! One point to N!

Before N could relish in his victory Uzi climbed back into his lap and used her weight to shove him down slightly, smirking at how N fell easily. Smiling back, N wrapped his hands around Uzi's delicate body and kissed her gently, trying to get as much as he could out of her.

A moment later Uzi sat up slightly, letting N lean upwards and have access to her neck, he looked at her for confirmation. She nodded, and N started kissing Uzi's neck again, aggressively and allowing his teeth to scrape her skin.

Uzi gripped Ns shoulders tight, kissing his neck back at first, but then faltering as he became more aggressive on hers. She was shaking from anticipation and nerves. Uzi wanted this, she asked for this...

Yet the idea made her shiver every time she thought of it. N tipped Uzi's head up more, and looked at her one last time to gauge her expression. She just nodded down at him, clearly still struggling with all the stimulation from a moment ago.

Consumed by hunger, N finally opened his mouth wide enough for the fangs to take their place, stabbing down on Uzi's neck. She gasped, but didn't move or shove him off.

Uzi could feel the familiar sensation of N sucking her blood, but now it had a side feelings of something entering her blood, like N was replacing her blood was something else.

He's replacing it with him.

She groaned at the idea of N inside her, and slowly felt the pain of the bite depart, replaced by a feeling of sweetness racing through her body. Uzi felt light, cozy, warm, and safe.

Finally, when N was sure he'd done enough, he removed his fangs from Uzi's neck. Anxiously he looked at Uzi for confirmation that he'd done the right thing, and was greeted by his girlfriend having the biggest goofy smile he'd ever seen.

Smirking again, Uzi wiped the blood from Ns chin and kissed his cheek while he sat in shock, amazed by how little Uzi seemed to care about the bite.
"Mine" she mumbled, cupping Ns head, kissing him again.

The two kissed for a few more minutes before Uzi felt a pain at her neck, she rubbed it and N vouched that it was turning red. With knowledge he didn't know he had, N lifted Uzi up and carried her to the bathroom, damping a flannel with hot water and having her hold it on her neck.
Next the vampire ran downstairs and warmed up what seemed to be soup for Uzi, he also grabbed every blanket he could find from the living room.

Once he'd gathered what he needed N threw Uzi back down on her bed and covered her in blankets, handing her the soup once she'd settled.
N grinned at his quick work, and Uzi smiled in thanks while sipping her soup.

She felt a great pain growing at her neck, and her muscles seemed achy, throbbing if she moved too much. N noticed her suffering and felt bad "I shouldn't have-I'm sorry" he struggled. Uzi looked up "Don't apologise N, you kept your promise, that's all" she sounded far weaker than before, and it worried N.

Whimpering, N climbed into the bed beside Uzi and wrapped himself around her fortress of pillows. She gaped as a sudden pain raced through her stomach, and N gripped her hand in an attempt of comfort.

Uzi looked up at N and suddenly had an urge to kiss him again. An urge she couldn't fully ignore as she placed the half empty bowl aside and slammed herself onto N again.

N wasn't sure if now was the right time, but gave into Uzi's hunger, shoving her down on the bed and continuing to kiss her. Uzi moaned and laughed, the pain had transformed from stabbing sensations to a burning feeling, Ns kisses seemed to cool her down- so she let him have all of her.

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