MD Vampire AU Part 15

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N and V walked through the blandness of the city, neither one speaking, partly from fear and partly from distrust. V could feel Ns discomfort and sighed at him, hands on her hips as she glared him down. N ignored her and kept walking, determined not to give her any kind of attention.

"Sir, it looks like there's human footprints that way" V said, pointing towards small craters in the snow, she was right that they looked small enough to be a humans footsteps, but something off was about them. "What sort of human would go out barefoot on this side of the planet?" N asked, staring down at the footprints, undeniably made from uncovered feet.

The vampires both thought for a second before V spoke again "Well the human at prom was a freaky mutant, maybe she's got the same tolerance as us".
N looked at V curiously, eyebrow raised at Vs suggestion, but he did wonder what else could have caused these markings. "Hey V, did you have any contact with J after I overthrew her?" N asked, wondering if his former boss could be the one responsible for the footprints.

V shook her head and frowned "Nah, I swore you loyalty okay? I wouldn't have contacted the former leader without your consent or at least your knowledge" she sounded cold, making N stand up to face her. "You're leaning extra hard into the leader stuff these days, what's up?" N queried, though he knew that V had no choice but to answer him.

"Just want you and the meatball to understand what exactly the situation is, you know what you are now N, you have to play the part right" V said, hands on her hips again, she looked at N sternly. He glared back "What does that mean?".

Despite sounding confident before, N could see the fear in Vs eyes, he could tear her to shreds if he wanted to. Obviously he never would, but she had to be honest or else. "You have to be a leader N, you have to step up and make decisions, you have to think of the team first." V claimed, confident facade slipping slightly as her voice cracked a little.

N sighed, V did have a point, but being a leader didn't come naturally to him. She only started shoving this 'team' crap after he told her he bit why did she care so much-?

Because you need 3 vampires to be a team- I FORMED A TEAM.

The realisation hit N like a bus, and he turned to V with a gapped mouth and wide eyes, finally figuring out why his status mattered now. V nodded silently, glad he'd finally figured it out, with J gone- and N in charge- the team had changed.

While V and N discussed his new status, Uzi was searching through frozen apartments for any signs of recent movement. She was genuinely looking for Doll, but also found her mind wandering towards N and V, she trusted N, she knew he would never betray her.

Still, V was slippery, and they had a lot of history- she could say something to pull N away.

Stop it Uzi! N is yours.

Despite the protests in her mind, Uzi couldn't get over her fear, the idea of V sneaking back into N's heart was disturbing at best and terrifying at worst. The idea of him being the 'alpha' for lack of a better word was also scary, he'd been dominant through their first time together, but in general he was just a sweet guy. He'd never use his power as the leader against her...right?

Uzi stumbled over something in the apartment due to being in her own head. She groaned as she found her top half hanging over whatever the object was, lags dangling on the other side.

"N..." the object mumbled, shocking Uzi to silence. Carefully as she could, Uzi lifted herself from the item and saw a humanoid figure lying on their side, panting.

At first Uzi was going to apologise and help the individual, but then she saw the fangs hanging in their mouth, the loose white pigtails, the blood stains coating her army uniform clothes.

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