Everyone thinks girls are hot! (Vizzy)

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V and Lizzy were hanging out in Lizzy's room, both laughing and cringing at men on the internet who claimed to have 'cracked the female code', and then fail miserably to pick up a single bitch- as the men so politely named them after being rejected for the 15th time.

While she was genuinely enjoying the video, V's eyes swayed back to the way Lizzy was sitting, they had chosen to sit on her bed- leaning against each other as Lizzy held the phone in her hand. Being this close to Lizzy gave V a strange feeling- like butterflies that weren't really there- she found Lizzy beautiful...no doubt about that, but it's not like there was anything else.

As V tried to ignore how perfectly sculpted Lizzy's body and sitting position was, she looked up and noticed the decor of Lizzy's room- almost everything in there was a shade of pink- perfectly covering the grey metal walls. While snickering at the idea of Lizzy rejecting any other colour for decoration than pink, V noticed a flag on the wall to her left, striped in shades of orange to white to purpley pink.

What the hell does that flag mean? It's not a country I recognise...

"Liz, what's that flag?" V asked, genuinely curious about what Lizzy was trying to represent by having stripes on her wall. It didn't seem political or religious- so what was the message or point?

Lizzy was surprised to see V pointing out her lesbian flag, as far as she was aware her sexuality was obvious, she never publicly announced it to anyone or 'came out' but calling half the girls at school 'hot' was a pretty big clue. Even V surely picked up on that- SHE CALLED HER HOT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

Still, Lizzy remained calm and shrugged her shoulders "Means I'm gay- well lesbian technically- I thought you would have guessed I like women by now?"

The worker was surprised to see a raised eyebrow on V's visor, implying a degree of confusion at the statement, like she'd never heard of the term lesbian before.

Truthfully, V hadn't heard it, the Elliot family were very conservative and drones were only allowed to have VERY monitored relationships- if any relationships at all. The concept of 'sexualities' and 'diversity' was completely new to V.

"What do you mean by you like women?" V asked, genuinely curious why there was a flag for female friendships. "Um...I think about women- in a..um..sexual way..?" Lizzy blushed as she explained, it was hard to put in words exactly what sexuality was, despite normally being confident with her words.

V took a second to think, eyes hollowing for a moment as she took it in, she'd never heard of girls being interested in girls before. "Doesn't everyone think girls are hot though?" V mumbled, voice barely a whisper as the thought slipped from her mind.

Lizzy couldn't help herself from giggling, rolling unintentionally into V's chest as she laughed, making the disassembly drone turn yellow- why did she always get so flustered around Lizzy!?!

"I don't get what you're laughing at! Everyone thinks girls are hot!" V yelled, trying to shove the cackling Lizzy away from her, who gripped on V's jacket to try and steady herself.

It took a moment before Lizzy calmed down enough to look V in the eye, a cheeky grin on her face as she cupped V's cheek, making the ruthless murder machine blush even more. "V, have you ever wanted to touch a girl? Or be more than friends with one? See more of their body than their clothes let you?" Lizzy teased, scooting almost into V's lap.

V took a breath at Lizzy's movement, a few minutes ago they were watching funny misogynists online, now Lizzy was in her lap?! And why the hell was she blushing & enjoying this so much?!

Still, V took a minute to think about what Lizzy said, had she ever wanted to touch girls? Be romantic with them? See their entire body...?

Her mind travelled back to her life at the manor, her main crush at that time was N, but a part of her had always found J rather attractive...and some of the other maids looked 'hot' in retrospect- but she still definitely liked boys! So...

"What does it mean when you like men and women? Is there a name for that?" V asked, now holding Lizzy's waist subconsciously as she sat in her lap.

Lizzy smirked at V's unintended hand placement, it sounded to her like V was bisexual~

Which means I could actually stand a chance!

"I think you're bisexual, but you should still take your time before using labels" Lizzy explained, still holding V's head in her hands. For some reason Lizzy enjoyed seeing this side of V, a softer more curious side, it reminded her that the murder drones were regular drones deep down too.

V tipped her head more into Lizzy's hand "I..I just thought that women were too pretty not to be attracted to- am I a freak if I like both?" She genuinely sounded afraid, it broke Lizzy's usually stubborn mean heart to hear V talk like this.

"Not at all, some people used to think it was weird, but those people suck- we like who we like and that's fine- if someone gets mad over it, just eat them or something" Lizzy offered, trying to remain calm and keep up her cool persona, while also reminding V she was the apex predator on Copper 9. If anyone was biphobic towards her- they could just be lunch.

Still, seeing how sweet V's expression had become, it made Lizzy's core skip a few cycles. Lizzy had liked V for a while, but that was mostly because of how attractive she was, now...it felt like there was something else.

V looked into Lizzy's eyes, still trying to take in the idea of being something other than straight, she'd never known of anything else...

"Lizzy, can I kiss you? I want to test something" V asked out of the blue, making Lizzy jump slightly.


Slowly, Lizzy nodded, letting V lean close as she prepared to have her first kiss. Lizzy had kissed a few people before- but never a disassembly drone-NO WAY SHE WAS ABOUT TO KISS A DISASSEMBLY DRONE!!!

V planted her lips softly on Lizzy's, and for a second both girls sat still, neither sure how they felt. That was until V opened her mouth a bit more, encouraging Lizzy to do the same, making the kiss more open. That made it better, warmer, softer.

Lizzy was in heaven~ If V had never kissed a girl before than once she had experience she'd be a goddess among women- they weren't even using tongues yet her core had skipped two cycles in a row. V was also enjoying the taste, her tail wagging slightly behind her as she kissed Lizzy, it felt good to get this affection out.

They pulled away after a moment, Lizzy looked in V's eyes- absolutely love struck- while V gazed dumbly back at her, unable to process fully what she'd just done.

"I...thank you Lizzy, it's kinda nice to know that there's a name for the way I feel" V confessed, trying to pull back on her 'I don't care' attitude.

Lizzy at this point didn't care about being cool or anything, she simply wanted more affection from V, so she nuzzled into V's chest- wrapping her hands around V's waist as she did.

V blushed- but managed to remain calm as she pet Lizzy's back- she still didn't fully understand how she felt, or whether she wanted to keep trying different labels, but having Lizzy close to her felt right.

"You...are...so...hot" Lizzy mumbled, eyes flickering as she fell asleep in V's embrace.

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