Chapter 11

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At last the shopping was finally done. There were many bags in Erik's and Reni's hands.

Emi was also carrying a little bag which has her new shoes.

While Eva was scrolling her phone as they sat to eat ice cream and Rheuss has his hands in his pocket.

Most of the clothes that they brought were for Emily, a pair for Reni and the rest five-six pairs were of Eva.

Erik nudged Rheuss to take the bags out of Reni's hands. Rheuss looked at Reni who was holding almost ten bags and now Emily has also given the shoe bag to her and was eating ice cream.

Rheuss observed her face, her eyes looked tired but she was still smiling brightly looking at her daughter. Those who don't know will think that those two have blood relation.

After observing for some time he went towards her and took the bags. Reni was startled when someone grabbed the bags from behind but relaxed when it was just her so called fiancée.

Giving the bags to him Reni went to get a icecream for herself too. She bought an extra.

Coming back she took the bags away and put them on the floor then she thrusted the ice cream in his hands and opened hers to eat.

'This ice cream is good' Reni thought to herself oblivious of the stare she was getting from behind.

She smiled at her daughter whose face was now smeared with chocolate ice cream.

She quickly took out a tissue and wiped her daughter's mouth clean before resuming to eat her ice cream again.

Eva was giggling at the interaction that took place earlier between Reni and Rheuss and was now trying to not laugh as she saw Rheuss staring at Reni dumbfounded.

Rheuss raised a brow at Reni and kept staring at her.

"You will get your whole life to stare at her but now eat that otherwise it will melt" Erik said too his friend worried that the good ice cream will go to waste if he did not ate it.

After finishing the ice creams they all went their own ways. Eva had some work to do so she went to her office. Reni, Emily and Rheuss were now at a ring shop to buy the wedding rings.

"Choose any ring you want for the groom" Rheuss said coldly.

"What about the bride?" Emily asked.

"We already brought it" Rheuss said gritting his teeth,he doesn't want to be reminded that the ring he had specially brought for a special person, he will have to give that to someone else just because of his father.

Reni not bothered looked at the rings for men to choose a little decent one, she can see that all rings has a platinum band with diamonds studded along the rims but in different designs, they looked simple and good.

Looking at that Reni remembered something and smiled at the memory.

She quickly chose a ring and asked the price of it.

"50,000$" the lady said.

Reni took out a different card from her pocket and gave it to the lady.

Rheuss standing on the side was surprised to say the least. Even if these were her savings why would she spend so much on him.

His eyebrows raised as he looked at her expression. He is not looking down at her but still with her job, he doesn't think that her pay is too much and on that she has to support a little girl too.

Maybe her parents transferred her some money for the ring were his thoughts as they exited the shop and sat inside his car.

Next stop was Reni's house because she refused to eat outside saying about Emily's health and Emily being the mother's girl she is didn't object.

The three arrived at Reni's small house and Rheuss just parked the car outside.

Reni got out first with Emi and unlocked the door.

As Rheuss came out of the car he stood at the gate, Reni had already gone inside not even glacing at him once and also took all the bags except the one with his suit.

"Dad come inside" Emily invited him happily and dragged him inside her cozy home.

Rheuss walked inside the iron gate and glanced at the bike that was parked in the small parking space on the left.

He stepped inside the house and the first thing his eyes landed on was a small round dining table with four chairs and crockery was put infront of three chairs. His eyes narrowed.

Of course you can't blame him he is just suspicious why the girl who said that she doesn't like him is so nice to him.

He was grabbed out of his thoughts when someone tugged on his suit jacket.

He looked down at Emily "Dad let me show you around the house" she said motioning him to follow her.

Reni listened to this in the kitchen but didn't say anything and continued cooking. She has already changed her jeans to some comfortable and baggy pants.

She was not a little bit concerned about what the ones who saw her like this said.

She was really unbothered about others opinions on her.

A complete ignorant person but in some ways this ignorance is what kept her living otherwise she doesn't even know when she would have died without this.

You can say she is the pure example of ignorance is a bliss. And sometimes it comes handy for keeping the boys away from her.

She is proud to say this but she is not ugly, it fit and has soft skin. Her face can pass for average so she is not that bad. But her dressing sense keep insignificant people away from her.

But in this case her unknowingly happened plan is surely gonna backfire because there are still people who are not led by beauty.

Rheuss stepped into the kitchen after Emily and gazed at his fiancée who was busy cooking food. The clothes she wore... he has no words for it.

Reni turned around feeling a presence behind her. She shrieked "Don't you have manners, coming in the kitchen with your shoes on"

Rheuss a bit taken back by the shriek was thinking that there was some small animal around but when he got to know about the reason of the shriek he rolled his eyes.

He looked at his shoes and then at Emily who was giving him a dissatisfied look.

Emi led him out of the kitchen and said "Dad, its not good to go inside the kitchen while wearing your shoes, take them off"

The child's voice was commanding and maybe she was trying to be stern but it was cute. The corners of his mouth hooked up unconsciously as he went to take off his shoes.

'The girl is cute'

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