45 Guts

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Part 45 Guts

"What do you want to talk to me?" Came from behind them. They turned behind only to find, Pradeep standing.

More than Arnav and Khushi, Pradeep was shocked, seeing Arjun and Indhu in front of him. Arnav was the one who came to the composure first. He slightly pressed Khushi's hand in the consoling manner and said,

"We would like to talk to the Groom's father, not with you" as if he didn't know who Pradeep was.

"He is Groom's father... could you guys leave this place?" Lavanya's mother said restlessly.

Arnav and Khushi were more shocked. Was he the father of the groom? Oh, God... he was a man who had interest to KILL lovers and love. They lost the hope of getting NK and Lavanya married.

AS of now, Pradeep composed himself. He keenly watched them. He saw shock on their faces. He thought they were shocked because he was groom's father.

"What do you want to talk to me? Who are you?" he asked.

Arnav was supposed to reply but he stopped as Khushi took lead. That made Arnav smile.

"We are Lavanay's friends. She loves our friend NK. Her parents are trying to fix her marriage with someone she doesn't like" Khushi siad gutfully.

Pradeep looked at Lavanya's parents.

"Is that true?" he asked.

"No no... they are unnecessarily creating scene. Our daughter is not like that. If she had a love affair, she would have told us. They are lying"

"We don't lie. Call Lavanya and ask her"Khushi said confidently.

"It's not necessary. Just because you say she is in love, we don't trust it" Lavanya's mother said irritatingly.

"See, her wedding is going to fix with his son. Leave the place or else, we will call the police" her father said.

"Do it... call the police... Lavanya is Major. Let the police come. Then, you will get to know whether we said true or not" Arnav said.

"I think we should call the police, for prisoning a major girl and arranging her wedding going against her wish" Aman said.

"Guys, please, let me talk" Said NK.

All of them became silent. NK came to Pradeep. Arnav and Khushi glanced at each other.

"Sir, they said you are a big shot. If it is so, you can get another girl for your son easily. Many big shots like you will willingly give their daughter to your son... But, if I don't get Lavanya, there is no use of my life, sir. I won't be alive if she marries someone. Please try to understand, sir... the wedding has not fixed yet. Then you won't have any problem..."

"I have no problem backing off... IF Lavanya loves you" Pradeep said pressing the word.

"She loves him..." Said Khushi.

Pradeep looked at her and then at Lavanya's parents.

"Bring Lavanya" he said.

"Pradeep Garu, it's not necessary"

"Just bring her Krishnaiyah Garu... we should know what's the truth" said Pradeep.

Lavanya's father went to Lavanya's room and brought her out. Lavanya came bowing down. She looked at her friends and became emotional. Her mother pressed her shoulder and she looked down again.

"Tell me, Lavanya, these guys say you love this boy. Is that true?" Pradeep asked.

Lavanya didn't look at NK.

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