The Heart Of The Lion

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It had become a routine for James to go into the library every day after his classes. Not to study, of course. James never studied. He didn't even like the library or reading or anything of the sort. But one Regulus Black did. And James liked Regulus. So, in the name of love, he would go to the library every day after his classes just so he could look at Regulus and ask himself a thousand what if's as he pretended to read.

Sirius hadn't noticed this new routine. He'd been too busy snogging Remus to care what James was doing in the library. James was sure Remus had noticed –Remus noticed everything– but he hadn't said anything about it. So James assumed he just didn't care.

Regulus also hadn't noticed, luckily. He'd always been too preoccupied with his books to see James there. And James was happy about this. If Regulus saw him staring, it would just further destroy his chances of ever getting to call Regulus his own, and fulfill any of the what if's he asked himself daily. But, his chances were already very slim as it was. It was Regulus he liked, for Merlin's sake. His best friend's little brother, someone who probably didn't even like boys in the first place, and someone who would never like James, of all people.

The only person that had noticed was Regulus' friend, Evan Rosier, who studied with Regulus sometimes. He'd looked up and seen James staring more than a few times. He just gave James a questioning look before turning back to whatever he was reading. He never alerted Regulus, nor did he ever say anything to James.

Until one day, he did.

He'd caught James staring again, which had become a normal thing at this point. However, instead of just glancing him like he usually did, Rosier stood up. And walked over towards James. "Potter," he mumbled, nodding his head in greeting.

James was surprised, but replied, "Rosier."

"Let's just get straight to the point," Rosier started. "I've seen you staring at Regulus a lot."

James saw no point in disagreeing, as he had been caught multiple times. He just mumbled, "Yes."

"I think I can assume why that is?"

"You're probably right." James looked down. He felt his face getting red. Perfect.

"Well, Potter, staring is going to get you nowhere." Rosier chuckled softly, glancing back at Regulus. He still hadn't lifted his gaze from his book. "If you like him so much, it's worth a shot, no?"

"Oh come on." James rolled his eyes. "It's Regulus we're talking about. He hates me."

"If you think that because he doesn't talk to you, don't take that personally. He's like that to everyone," Rosier explained.

"Well, you're his best friend, no? What does he think of me?"

"It's not my place to tell you how Regulus' feels. That's for him to share, if he so wishes." Rosier shrugs.

"Exactly," James scoffed. "He'll never like me. You're just too nice to tell me that."

"Never say never, Potter." Rosier smiled before turning away and walking back to Regulus. James stood up from where he was seated and, for the first time ever, left the library before Regulus.


James couldn't fall asleep that night. He'd tried for a while, but eventually just gave up, and he'd been staring at the ceiling ever since. Nobody else was awake. Peter snored quietly across the room. Sirius and Remus were tangled together on Sirius's bed. Looking at them made James feel jealous, in a way. Yes, he was happy for them, and yes, they were perfect together. But he wished he could have someone who loved him as much as Sirius and Remus loved each other.

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