Another Baby Black

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A/N: Regulus is trans in this!


"Oh, bloody mother of Merlin and Morgana both..."

Regulus stood in the bathroom of his dorm, head in his hands as he leaned over the sink. He'd been in this same position for the past 20 minutes, contemplating over whether to be a civil human about the situation he was in or to jump out the bathroom window and fall to his death.

He was strongly leaning towards the second option.

A knock at the door broke him from his thoughts. "Reg?" Evan's soft voice called through the door. "You okay in there? It's been a while."

"Evan, get in here right now."

Evan didn't hesitate, pulling the door open and closing it as soon as he got in. "What happened? Do I need to ask Barty to kill someone?"

"He needs to kill me, or Sirius will."

"Oh Merlin, what happened?"

Regulus took in a deep breath before pulling the positive pregnancy test from the counter.

"Holy fucking-" Evan cut himself off, his mouth open and eyes wide. "James did this?"

"Nooo, Barty did," Regulus replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course James did it, dumbass."

Evan shot a fuck you look at Regulus before his expression became concerned again. "Well..." he started, pausing again. "I don't know what to say. Does James know?"

"Not yet." Regulus glanced out the window. "He's going to kill me."

"Reg." Evan huffed, amused. "He stuck his dick in you. That's not your fault."

"Thanks for letting me know, Evan. I had no idea."

"Fuck you."

"That's James' job."

"Obviously he did it a little too well."

"Respectfully shut the fuck up."

Evan put a hand to his forehead and laughed. Regulus just rolled his eyes.

"Well," Evan chuckled. "You have to tell him sooner or later. You have to tell someone sooner or later."

"I told you."

"I think your boyfriend deserves to know that you're pregnant with his child. Why not be mature and tell him now? I'm sure he'll understand. He did it, after all."

"Ughhh," Regulus groaned, putting his head back into his hands and leaning on the counter. "Fine. Fine. But if I get killed, I'm blaming you."

"Okay, Reg."

Regulus pushed himself away from the counter and started to leave the bathroom. Evan just leaned against the doorframe, a smirk pulling at his lips, waiting for Regulus to stop and ask Evan to come with him.

That's exactly what Regulus did, and Evan nodded yes, chuckling softly.


The Gryffindor common room was abandoned except for a couple people here and there, playing wizard's chess or reading. Regulus inhaled a shaky breath before starting up the stairs towards the dorms, Evan following close in tow.

Once Regulus reached the right door, he paused. Evan looked at him curiously, and Regulus glanced back shyly. "Can you knock?"

"Aw, is little Reggie scared?" Evan teased. Regulus death-glared him. "Okay, okay, fine. I'll knock. You're no fun." Regulus rolled his eyes, but his expression became nervous again when Evan knocked.

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