Truth Or Dare

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"I'm bored, can we do something?" Sirius asks, half leaning upside-down off of Remus' bed. Remus is reading, and James and Regulus (who is staying in the Marauder's dorm for the night) are debating about Quidditch. Sirius, like usual, is bored. (Before any of you ask where Peter was; he was off being a menace and doing Peter things.)

"James, you're delusional. Puddlemere is so much better, debate done."

"No, you're delusional. The Harpies are going to win, I bet all the galleons I have."

"Get ready to pay up then."

"No, you-"

"Merlin's beard, do they ever stop fighting?" Remus mumbles, looking up from his book.

"Nope... they're always having some sort of couples quarrel," Sirius replies, slightly amused.

Remus slams his book shut. "They're together? Since when? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Chill. They aren't together, it was a joke."

"At this point, they might as well be."

"Honestly," Sirius chuckles. "Hey loverboys! Stop arguing and let's do something!" James and Regulus both snap their eyes away from each other to stare at Sirius.

"Loverboys?" Regulus repeats. "We are not-"

"You might as well be," Remus cuts in. Regulus glares at him, and James laughs. "Now, what should we do?"

A devilish smile grows on Sirius' face. "Truth or dare."


Remus is immediately on board, but it takes some time to convince the other two, Regulus especially. However, Regulus eventually agrees (very against his will). James is very amused at how annoyed Regulus is with the game, especially when Sirius announces that he has Veritaserum that he stole from Filch's office. 

"No, you will be taking some. It's part of the fun! You will either take it yourself or I'll force feed it to you. Make your choice, Reg," Sirius threatens. Regulus does eventually take some, along with the rest of them, and they prepare to start the game.

"I'll go first," James announces, spinning the now empty Veritaserum bottle. It lands on Remus. "Truth or dare, Moony?"

"Truth," Remus replies.

"When exactly did you start liking Sirius?"

"When we were 13, he was recounting a Quidditch game that he'd seen in so much detail and just so... passionately... and I just found that incredibly attractive," Remus answers, the Veritaserum taking over. Sirius smiles proudly, putting his arm around Remus.

"Damn right I'm incredibly attractive," Sirius smirks.

"Cocky," Regulus mutters.

"At least I have a boyfriend."

"Shut the fuck up."

"You know I'm right.

Regulus doesn't answer again after that, and Sirius takes it as a win. "Anyway," he says. "Moony's turn."

The game continues on uneventfully for a little while. People get asked about previous relationships, least favorite professors, pranks, their opinions on other students, most embarrassing moments... The Veritaserum reveals that Sirius and Remus got caught making out in the corridor after hours by Professor McGonagall, and hadn't gotten detention only because "Albus owes me 10 galleons," she had said. No further explanation. To this day, neither Remus nor Sirius know what she was talking about, but they still laugh about it every time they tell the story.

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