53| Instructions

510 11 1

Charles Leclerc

The mornings here were peaceful and the air smelt of salt. I find myself tangled in the blanket that I was sharing with Aria who I was currently laying on top. 

I reached for my phone and finally decided to check my socials. As expected everything was about me and Aria. Every post was about the hard launch that we had put forth. 

Some posts were nice about how nice we looked together and other were not so nice hating on Aria about whatever they think. 

Aria begins to stir and her eyes flutter open. "Hello" I mumble succeeding in my attempt to wake her up.  

Her hands automatically run through my hair and she lets out a small groan. "So what do you wanna do today" I ask her. "Mh I kinda just was to relax by the pool and maybe go out to eat for breakfast" She says. 

"Well its breakfast time now so if we get ready we can go out" I suggest. She nods and we both get up quickly to go get ready. Soon enough we both are ready and head out the door. We walked hand in hand down to the little stores that they had. I pointed out a small cafe on the side and we decide to go see what they have.

We order some food and situate ourselves in a corner of the cafe. The cafe was open so we could feel the breeze from the ocean on us. Our food came quick and we beg to eat. We both talked a bit and finished our food quickly. 

After breakfast me and Aria decided to walk around and see everything. We found a bunch of spots to take pictures so that is exactly what we did. I took a few individual shots for Aria then she took some of me then we asked someone around if they would take a picture of us. 

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close as we both posed for the pictures. We ended up with a few great shots that I would be sure to edit and post later.

After a bit of sight seeing we ended up making our way back to the house. Once we arrived Aria and me went to go change into our bathing suits once again and put the pool to good use.   

And once again Aria walks out in the tiniest bathing suit I've ever seen. Not that I'm complaining about it since I'm the only one getting to see. 

She's carrying a book and her sunglasses. She places them to the side as she sits down on one of the pool chairs and lays back. The she places the sunglasses on her nose and picks up her book. 

I couldn't help but stare at my girlfriend. Her legs which led up to her thick thighs and her curvy hips and her not totally flat stomach. I think it was all these imperfections that made her all the more perfect. 

She shifted a bit and spread her legs a little more. I was trying to pry my eyes off of her. Instead of sitting around I decided that I was going to go for a little swim. At first I made sure that the water was warm and not freezing cold and when I wen to find that it was pleasantly warm I jumped in. 

"Charles you splashed me" Aria says wiping off the water that landed on her. "Sorry love" I said coming up for air. I swam around a bit but found myself getting a bit lonely. 

"Mon ange will you come swim with me" I ask her with my arms crossed on the ledge. "Maybe later Charles" She slowly turned the page. 

I frowned at her and pulled myself up and out of the water knowing the Aria was secretly watching me from the side. My feet turned the white pavement gray as I walked towards her chair. She places the book down on the table just as I arrived. 

I crawled up on my knees between her legs and faced. "Charles your getting water on my face stop it" Her hands came up to shield her face. I shook my head so even more water droplets fell. 

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