chapter 2: interests

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(this is technically just a chapter that's a "get to know me", but i don't care)

i enjoy things that other people, probably, don't like.

like roller coasters! i love the rush of adrenaline, i love how fast you go, and just basically love everything about it. i've gone on every ride at my favorite (?) theme park, and i could probably ride a whole theme park if you'd give me the time.

i also really like writing. which i don't think is too surprising, you've just read 3, technically 4, chapters of my writing. from the same day.

THAT'S RIGHT, THE INTODUCTION, CHAPTER 1, 2, AND  3 WAS WRITEN ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY!  how have i acquired this? I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE! I'M A WRITING MACHINE! and it's wired, because once i need to write something for school, i often just have no idea how to start.


(very much a smooth transition) i also really like Hermitcraft. actually. "like" is a understatement. it is my life.

hm... "life" is probably an overstatement. eh, it's fine.

i am a Hermitcraft fan. now, sure, i haven't watched a lot of it. and, yes, i haven't fully watched any of the seasons (BUT IT WILL CHANGE AS OF SEASON 10!!). but it is something that i could watch for an entire day. and i would! i would actually sit down, and get myself to watch the entirety of Hermitcraft, and i could! but since i actually have a life, unlike most of you,  i haven't found myself actually sitting down and getting through at least 10 or 20 episodes. and while someone have definitely watched and entire season, i have not.

but i don't care, BECAUSE FANFICTION IS A THING!!!

i'm also interested in birds. i have a huge love for birds. name a kind of bird, show it to me, and there will be a 99.9% chance i think that bird is cute or beautiful (NOT a buzzard, WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF BIRD IS THATT??). i don't think that there could be any kind of roleplay where my character isn't an Avian of some type.

and, of course, the character DOES NOT have a happy backstory. but also the character is technically just AU's of the same person, sooooo...


why do i have this love for birds? BECAUSE OF EVERYONE WHO MADE GRIAN A FUCKING AVIAN- FUCK YOU ALL! (/j /j /j /j /j /nm /nm /nm) 

also, i just really like reading about history. i also, to no surprise, like fanfiction. 

is there any Hermitcraft fanfic that's around a war or somethin'????? please. i need more fanfic's to read-

now, i make weird, probably not, funny writing on wattpad. i roleplayed burning a hospital with my rp/online brother while a friend watches and eats toast THAT WAS MADE WITH MY BREAD (i think-) because someone didn't have their wedding. 

IM LOOKIN' AT YOU millylikeslemons722 (our old Gem) AND ZombieCleoAKAMom 

Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 3:30 PM EDT- next chapter

can i make my rambling into a book?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora