Shirokin High - part 1

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Nothing will ever change...

A few days after my father passed away and my mother was long dead. Now I am at Japan one of my mother fav places. I got expelled from the last one. But it nothing to me as I have some friends in Tokyo but the unlucky part is they are not in the same school as me. My cousin tolded me shirohin high was a fit school for people like me as it is a all boys school and the boys there have a bad reputation....

Japan, Tokyo - Shirokin High

Kumiko Yamaguchi: Everyone pls welcome y/n. He is from Korean. Pls be nice to him.

As the sensei introduced me i noticed a boy in the back asleep and No one was listening. She assigned me to my sit and started teaching the class. Through the day I realised that no one care about what the teachers teached. As I walked outside of my class I heard someone calling me. I turned back to see the head teacher.

Y/n: Yes?

Head teacher: Come here.

He was smiling at me so i walked closer.

Y/n: what?

Head teacher: your new here right?

Y/n: yeah and?

Head teacher: Unlucky for you. You are in the worst class. 3-D. Be careful as they are trouble makers.

Y/n: ok. And?

I heard giggles behind me.

Head teacher: and? You!...

Y/n steps closer to head teacher face with a stare. Head teacher turned around and walked away. Yelling-

Head teacher: I am warning you!

(Time skip)

*Bell ringing*

Y/n walks out of class with his bag. Y/n turns towards the gate to see some kids in the school area with a different high school uniform. Thats when y/n realised that it was his friends or more like gang.

???: y/n!

Y/n: Look at you. All grown up. How is everything? leo.

Leo: Everything is going well. But the way the cops almost catch me yesterday.

Y/n: Sucks for you... What's the plan?

Leo: we will meet at our regular place and then tell you the plan.


Leo: now let's go home.

Y/n: ok!

The two of us met at korean in the hospital. After that day we are the best of friends. He came to Japan 2 years before me.

????: Y/n! Leo!

I turned back to see akio. I met him online. He was one of Leo's best buds.

Y/n: hello

Akio: Finally in Japan.

Y/n: yes

Leo: come on guys let's go.

Y/n and akio looks at leo and then continue walking. Y/n enter a store and saw a beautiful camera which was very cheap so y/n brought it with him home.

Back at home

Y/n lays on his bed. Thinking about his life. Y/n looks at the camera and thinks what to do with it. An idea fell into his mind. He turn to his side and starts to turn red.

(In mind)


Sawada shin... A very good looking boy. He's...  He's just my type. Maybe using this camera i can take photos of him.


Y/n gets up and walks towards the kitchen to grab a snack. He then texted leo "what time they will arrive".

"7:30 pm"

Y/n got up and walked towards the tv. That's when a notification came on his phone.

"Unknown? Wired."

He unlocks the phone to see the message.

'Hello y/n'

Y/n stare at the text for some time before placing his phone on the table. He went to the tv and started watching a movie to pass the time.


This is a story from a Japanese movie
Called Gokusen. The story is not my and it's just a fanfiction.

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