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A/N - Okay, so let's just get this out there. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen. No, I really don't want them converted into fanfics or into other languages as well.




               "Can you please pass the potatoes?" I asked my older brother, Kian. He was the middle brother, and the most likely to even hear me.

"But then, that guy Knightlight showed up to help Heartstopper, and it got a little hairy!" The eldest brother, Rhett continued. "Luckily, Hayden was there to freeze their sorry asses." Yes, Hayden was the third of my brothers, and yes, each of them had superpowers.

Rhett was known as Iron Hawk, who was the number one defender in New York with his super strength, bulletproof skin and ability to fly. Kian was the Flaming Panther, who was an amazing fighter, and had the ability to control fire. His boyfriend may have influenced his moniker, but it fit the way he battled too, so it worked. Hayden was the youngest, only ten years older than me and he had the ice powers, so when Kian said that he froze their asses, it was the literal truth.

As for me, I was the accident. I was the one that wasn't planned and genetically modified before being implanted in my mother's womb. I was the one that happened the good old fashioned way with a drunken night out for my mom at her friend's bachelorette party in Las Vegas. Considering my brothers all had blonde hair and blue eyes like my mom, my toffee colored skin color, curly brown hair, and eyes stood out in the family photos.

As for dad? Yeah, we don't know who it is, mom doesn't remember that night well. My brothers' dads are unknown too, made from a cocktail of genetic stuff in a lab that seemed to make them into the superheroes they were now.

It was a lot to live up to, and I had a hard time feeling like I was really a part of the family. Not that anyone needed to know that. At least once a year, Rhett, Kian, or Hayden would stop by the school to visit one or more of the sports teams to give them a pep talk, so everyone had the reminder of who they were. But I was the one that still looked adopted because everyone who saw the four of us together would never believe we were related.

"Seriously, the potatoes?" I tried again.

"You know, in a few years you'll be helping out too." My mom turned to look at me, and I had no idea what she meant. "You can take over communications and let me run the lab."

"What do you mean, in a few years?" What the hell did she mean by that, I had every intention of going to school!

"Yeah, once you're done with high school. You can become a part of the team."

My jaw dropped at that statement, which would have been a perfect time to put some of the lovely roasted potatoes into them, but they were still on the other side of the table. Of course, my own mother didn't know that not only was I a senior, but I was only taking electives for one more semester to not draw too much attention to myself. I could have graduated several years ago, but that would have been cheating, and showing off my powers.

Because my brothers weren't the only ones with those strange abilities. I don't know if all the chemical cocktails in my mom's uterus lay dormant for me, or some strange DNA combo with my unknown real dad had combined with my mom to give me some cool abilities, but I was one of the lucky few. But nobody knew. Okay, not true, my best friend Libby knew, but that was an accident. I just wish she were here tonight because she usually keeps me out of trouble and would actually pass the damn potatoes.

My brothers had been tested as soon as they hit puberty, when powers usually manifest, and had quickly shown their potential. I'd never been tested, because I was never expected to have any abilities, which was fine. I didn't want to show off, and I almost never used them. Well, not that anyone knew.

A sudden flash of lightning hit right outside the back door, causing everyone to jerk and look out the window. With their attention diverted, the bowl of potatoes quickly floated across the table and to my waiting hands. See, nobody knew.

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