Chapter Eight

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               They never did discuss the mole, the other information that the general had provided had been much more important. Not that I really listened much after I'd heard the news of who my real parents were. Was it possible that they'd had a bad DNA sample? Did they find something else that they tested? It didn't seem likely. As much as I'd like to think that everything that I'd heard was wrong, I could tell that it made sense.

Hell, my mom had always said that she didn't remember anything from the night in Vegas that resulted in me, so who was to say that someone like Rot couldn't have implanted an egg into her instead of a random guy sleeping with her that night? When you consider that Rot had developed the technology to do that very thing, it would be well within his abilities to have done it. I just didn't know what to do with that knowledge.

I ended up leaving the dinner, having no appetite and claiming that I needed to finish homework before I got to sleep, but really, I just crawled into bed and lay there and stared at the ceiling. A few tears leaked from my eyes as I tried to understand what my ancestry meant. By all accounts, my parents were horrible people, and yet I'd been raised by good people. Did my DNA mean I'd be naturally inclined to be a villain? At a minimum, somewhere out there was a villain named Rot that knew who I was and probably where I was. I was already thought of as a villain because of how I'd accidentally distracted my brothers during a crime, so I assumed that at some point he'd reach out to try and recruit me.

Oh, and my real mother just escaped from her confinement, and my father is in jail. Could I go see him to get answers? I didn't want to mess with Heartstopper. I knew she was a murderer, but I knew less about Mister Titan. He was in jail, and I was pretty sure I could break in and talk to him if I wanted. Part of me thought that wouldn't get me much, but if he could tell me how I was conceived then it might help.

And yes, there was a small part of me that hoped that he wasn't as bad as the stories described him. Could he be more like me, and not really be bad?

None of these thoughts were helping me sleep, so I turned my mind to a big positive. Tomorrow, I was going to see Lela at school. It was a short term bit of happiness since I knew that I'd have to start planning for my imminent departure, but it was one that helped get me to sleep. The last image I had before drifting off was of her lips, beckoning me in for another kiss.

My school backpack was pretty full the next day, mostly because I had two extra changes of clothes in there. My current plan was to slowly take a few weeks' worth of clothes to Libby's house and store them for my eventual leaving. At this point, it was almost a given that I'd have to go, so I didn't see any reason not to plan for it. My DNA was all over the house, and it just took one person to get a little suspicious and then they'd match it.

Even if that wasn't enough, when I graduated college, there was no way I could go to work for my family supporting their efforts. Just the way I'd been shot at the other day made me question if there was a better way to do it. Yes, if I'd been some known and hardened villain, I could understand it. But I had done nothing that would harm them at all. Even hitting Rhett with the motorcycles wasn't going to bother him, and anyone who had ever heard of him would know it.

I gave my mom a hug goodbye, making sure to let my hand touch her arm as I did, and got all the information I needed about the detention facility that Mister Titan was being held in from her mind. I had a feeling I'd be paying him a visit, and very soon too. Like, today after school.

When I got to Libby's house, I walked up to her room and saw her typing away on one of her laptops. I wasn't sure how many she had, but I know she kept them segregated by use so that they could be specifically tailored to each function. "Hey Libby, got a sec?"

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