Chapter Four

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"This fabric is amazing!" Libby said the next morning. I'd stopped by her house on the way to school to drop off everything I'd borrowed from the basement, and she was in heaven as she examined it in her craft room. "What's it even made of?"

I shrugged as I ran my fingers over it. "I don't really know. I remember my mom saying it was some sort of synthetic leather, but I'm not sure what exactly it would be classified as."

"I can make so many things!" Libby cried as she turned in a circle, her hands fluttering at her side. I stood there watching her with a smile, knowing how excited she was right now. "This is going to be so cool!" She stimmed for a moment before she turned back to me. "Okay, I need your measurements, right now! I need to make something!"

Yep, that was Libby. When she got excited on a new project, she was going to fixate on it until she was done. But I quickly held out my arms and spread my legs until I was standing like a starfish in her room, and she was writing down all my measurements. Once I had contorted into several poses as she hummed merrily, she was finally done.

"Should I stop back after school?" I asked.

"Yep! I'll need you to try on the prototype. I'll make that from ordinary fabric to make sure the template fits." She was almost ignoring me now as she moved about her room, pulling out various implements that would no doubt be used in her creation. "Even better, come back at lunch if you can."

"It's the first day, so I can't plan on lunch."

"Good point, just come back after school."

"Perfect, thanks! I'll let myself out." I turned to wave, but she'd already sent me a halfhearted wave over her shoulder since her attention was now on her design. I could only shake my head in amusement, knowing that the best person was on the job.

The West Shores Academy campus was almost as far west in Connecticut as you could get without being in New York. It was a lovely little campus made of brick buildings that was sandwiched between a wildflower sanctuary and the Greenwich Audubon Center. It was pretty idyllic until the roar of jets from the Westchester County Airport, just over the New York border, spoiled the atmosphere. But it was still a great school, so I didn't mind.

At least until I saw Louis and Jewel walking down the hallway, hand in hand, with Lela trailing behind them and looking like she wanted to scream. They were the oddest couple I'd ever seen walking together, as Louis looked confused by the situation, and Jewel just stared sadly at her feet. It was as though neither wanted to be there, but yet they were.

I just shook my head and wandered into my home room. It wasn't like I could do much about it, I'd already shown Jewel what he was like, and she evidently went back. He looked just as confused by it as I was, so I'd just have to accept it. Besides, she'd shot me down, so it wasn't like I had a say. The only good thing was that neither of them were in my home room, for which I was grateful. But Lela was, and she took a seat next to me with a heavy sigh.

"Thanks for the try," she said in a low whisper while leaning closer to me. She had a nice scent, coconut mixed with something else, and I kinda liked it. I was pretty tall, maybe 5'10", and Lela was one of the few girls that was almost my height in school. Tall and graceful, she made a great cheerleader with her tan skin and wavy brown hair and had the plumpest lips in school. Yeah, maybe I noticed her too. I knew she'd moved here about five or six years ago, and had I not been crushing on Jewel, I might have asked her out instead.

I knew what she was talking about right away though. "No problem. Louis is disgusting, so hopefully she has no illusions about it."

She let out a cute little snort. "She knows, but she forgave him anyway, but said he better not look at anyone else. I have no idea what she's thinking."

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