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It was a boring- terribly boring- day for Akashi. Clutching the stick in his hand, he treaded through the forest, even though he was barefoot it was still better than being locked up in a room for several days straight.

He sighed and sat down on the root of a tree. Brushing the red strands out of his eyes, he pondered about what he wanted to do.

He'd usually have something to do- interesting or not, but everything was silent... A little too silent for his liking. He chewed at the skin near his nail, contemplating on what to do.

He'd had a funky feeling in his gut for the last two days, nothing he did being able to take that feeling away. He'd heard news of pirates docking near the main town, but he hadnt seen it for himself quite yet.

Oh! I should go check it out..

Yea, I'm gonna do that. almost mad at myself for not getting my head out of my ass sooner.

with that, he got up and sprinted to town, eager to finally be able to figure out something to do after hours of doing nothing.

The sun was high in the sky by the time he got to town, it's dusty smell and drunk passers being the norm around here.

There's the dock- are those Marines?! But Marines never come here..?

"Whatever.. " he mumbled, kicking a cracked beer bottle, and getting a strange look from a passerby that just so happened to be near him when he said that. He glared at the stranger then walked a bit faster to see the Marines.

Not many people payed much mind to the Marines, either too drunk, too tired, or not caring about it.

Some people however were glancing a bit, trying not to stare for too long incase they get called out or whatever.

Akashi stopped about a few buildings away from the Marines and where they were lined up. Staring curiously.

The Marines did some kind of salute before going back up onto the ship.

Oh, there's quote a lot of ships

As he watched them go, he noticed a lot more marine ships in the distance- I think they're Marines? Never seen one in person besides for now.. Damn I sound like an idiot

He counts about 4 other ships- 5 in total, and gets that bad feeling again, yet this time it's so strong he has to clutch his stomach as he feels nauseous from the strength of it.

He gets an urge to run, and so he starts running back to the forest he was in, loosing stamina quickly as he slowed to catch his breath. Damn gotta be more active or whatever

He feels a sudden tremor that almost makes him lose balance, followed by distant screams of terror and fear.

What the fuck?! -

"HOLY SHIT!" He starts running the second he saw a part of town on fire, right where he was just a few minutes ago. Glad I left when I did...

"Holy shit im gonna die" he panics as another tremor makes him stumble, followed up by 2 more, and suddenly there's so many he worries for this island's sake.

Didn't I built a random raft for fun? I could probably get on that and get out of here, 'cuz I don't like the sight of that!

He runs near the edge of the forest, glad it wasn't a very big one or else he'd be in for a bad time.

As the shaking increased, he spotted the coast and sprinted just a little faster, his legs aching and burning with every foot he ran.

When he got there, kicking sand everywhere, he immediately started looking for his raft. It was a few trees away from his position so he stumbed towards it, seeing the smoke rise and fire spread across the island.

Who Is Shanks?! - A One Piece Oc-insert(?) FicWhere stories live. Discover now