chapter 4

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"I'm starving.. " luffy moaned, head handing over the side of the boat.

"when the hell are we gonna reach land?" zoro groaned through his teeth.

"I dunno. look for signs of island life??" I mumble.

"I wonder if well reach land.. nah, I'm sure we will sometime. " luffy sighed.

"hm.. isn't it weird thr someone tryin' to be the king of the pirates, doesn't even have any navigational skills..?" zoro accuses.

"that's why I offered to find a navigator before we left for the grand line, dumbass.." I sigh, chewing the skin above my nail out of pure boredom. these guys are weaklings, I can go two weeks on an empty stomach without complaining. thanks, mom and dad. I thank them out of sarcasm.

"it's not weird, I just drifted around. but aren't you a bounty hunter who wandered the high seas?"

"Wow, Zoro. Imagine getting the tables flipped on you" I chuckle as he glares at me.

"shut up, punk!..." he squeaks. "I have no memory of calling myself a bounty hunter." he leans back and stares at the sky. "I set into the sea in search of a certain man. but then couldn't get back to my village. I had no choice, so I just went after pirate ships to earn a living."

"oh so your a loser and got lost" "oh so you just got lost" Luffy and I say at the same time, me saying it in a more mocking tone.

Zoro stomps so hard on the boat it shakes. "don't put it like that!"

luffy gasps as his straw hat goes flying, the three of us running to catch it. Zoro grabs onto it right as I prepare to bowl him into the water. he narrowly misses me as the upper half of me smacks into the side of the boat rib first and my head dunks under.

pulling myself up with a gasp, I hear luffy and zoro both laughing at me as I rub the salt water out of my eyes.

"damn you, zoro! if your foot wasnt there this wouldn't have happened!" I growl, drying my face off with my shirt and shaking my hair dry like a dog.

"hey! don't put the blame on me! I wasn't the one who decided to fall!" zoro growls back, smacking his fist into my head.

"agh! my poor, glorious hair!" I whine while rubbing the spot he hit me at. "I'm gonna dump your swords in the water one day" I threaten under my breath as I turn away.

after a few minutes of calming down, Zoro asks Luffy Something

"oi, you're gonna drop it if you space out again. isn't it important?"

"yeah, thanks Zoro!"

"man, I'm hungry... " Zoro moans. we all look up for some reason, maybe to pray to the Gods for food. oh! a bird.

"a bird." zoro says first.

"let's eat it!" luffy says excitedly.

"huh, how?" Zoro and I say in unison.

"leave It to me! gomu gomu no.."

"wait- Luffy! that's not a-" I try and grab onto the back of Luffy's shirt, but I'm only met with air as he flings into the air.

"...rocket!" I look up to see luffy flying straight towards the bird. I sigh and look down at my feet.

"I see.. " zoro hums, oblivious to what's gonna happen.

a scream from luffy makes us both look back up. Luffy's head is in the birds beak as he screams again.

"HELP!" Luffy's voice echoes.

Who Is Shanks?! - A One Piece Oc-insert(?) FicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat