chapter 5

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As the canon goes off, my eyes squeezed shut, Zoro grunts as blood drips from the wound and out of his mouth.

"hey, zoro. you're hurt, you know." Luffy breathes.

"Well, isn't that obvious." I roll my eyes

"just shut up and stay in there! I'm gonna do things my own way!" he says as he lifts up the cage luffys in, which supposedly got knocked when the canon went off. Seeing the shape he's in, I quickly hurry and help him push the cage back up.

"who is this guy?" Nami questions as she whispers to herself, staring at us in shock.

"Reddie, who is she?" Zoro breathes heavily.

"dont ask me, I don't know." I groan as I struggle to help push up the cage. damn this thing weighs a ton!

"she's our navigator." Luffy says. Zoro coughs up blood.

"move.. " he growls out of the side of his mouth to the 'Navigator'. "you're in the way!"

Suddenly the cage is lifted from where I was pushing, slightly falling forward before I can catch myself. after doing said action, I glance up and see Zoro lifting the cage over his shoulder.

"Dude?! how the hell??" I whisper with shocked eyes. dude he is jacked

it only adds to my shock when he started moving. Nami says something but I can't hear her as she turns and walks away. I follow after Zoro.

Zoro changes to dragging the cage after carrying it on his shoulder being to much. I offered to help but that only got me a glare from Zoro.

He's sweating profusely and grunting with every step when he stops suddenly. Luffy hums and I prepare to catch him seeing as he looks a bit pale.

when he does fall, and I catch him, he looks past my shoulder. "what's with this dog?" He questions.

Craning my neck, I look over and see a light grayish dog.

"Dog!" Luffy cheers before moving the cage closer to the dog. Seeing as it has no reaction, he starts making weird faces at it, before turning to us and complaining. "it's not moving at all!"

"hell if I care, it can do whatever it wants" Zoro says through his teeth.

"I wonder if it's dead?!"

"you idiot, of course it's not dead!" I groan where I was sitting on the concrete part of the cage, smacking a hand to my face.

Luffy reaches a hand out and pokes it between it's eyes, causing the dog to him right on the face.

hearing a stream of curses from luffy, I glance at Zoro with a look that says 'it's his fault, let him deal with it.'

Zoro, who was just about to shout, unexpectedly falls over onto his side.

"Heya, navigator!" Luffy calls from his spot in the cage, assumingly not bothered at all from Zoro.

Said Navigator reaches in her pocket for something. "I guess you can have this, since you did save me!"

she throws something, and it lands on the ground with a clink. "ooh! the key to the cage! you went and got it for me?!"

I hop off the cage and walk over, picking up the key and inspecting it.

"Don't get the wrong idea! I just didn't want to end up owing you."

"I'm saved!" luffy says as I align the key and prepare insert the key in to the hole.

As I try and put it in, something white knocks the key of my hand, and the only thing I hear was a swallow before I can realize the situation.

the dog knocked the key out of my hand and ate it. closing my fist, I bonk the dog on the head out of anger before grabbing the dog by the hind legs and trying to shake the key out as if it were a purse. "Give it back, you runt!"

Who Is Shanks?! - A One Piece Oc-insert(?) FicМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя