chapter 2

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I'm switching to first person because it's easier to write

"aahh, what great weather!" luffy cheers, I hum in agreement.

"if we keep going this way, we should see the navy base soon!"

"wow Coby, you're amazing" luffy smiles "we're actually gonna reach our destination?"

"but of course! these are the bare minimum skills all sailors need!" Koby says, followed up by luffy laughing while I nod a bit. "this is no time to be laughing, luffy-san.. he's being held prisoner there! the famous pirate hunter... Roronoa Zoro!

"the man who's chopped up Bounties like a bloodthirsty beast... people say he's a demon in human form!"

"we made it! the Navy base!" luffy happily announces as we all climb out the boat.

"we sure did" I grin in agreement.

As the three of us walk through town, glancing at the stands and the people, Koby is talking to luffy about something.

"luffy-san, you're crazy if you want him to join you!"

"we all know he's crazy, Koby." I mutter under my breath like it were the most obvious thing in the world. it IS the most obvious thing in the world, tho!

"I still haven't decided.. I wanna see if he's a good guy!" luffy grumbled.

"he's been caught because he's a bad guy!" Koby shouted, I glance at him sideways because of the amount of screaming he's doing. over dramatic..

I lean down towards Koby. "Koby, if he isn't a good guy then he won't join us, got it!?" I whisper in his  ear, resting a hand on his shoulder. I look up only to see Luffy snatching a pear from a stand and taking a bite out of it.

"mm, yum!" Luffy flicks a coin towards the stand owner. wow he has money?! from where??!  "do you know if Zoro's at the base?" and with that everyone within an ears range flees, leaving us three standing there in the middle.

"umm, luffy-" I start, but never got to finish as Koby whispers to us.

"it would seem the name 'Zoro' is taboo here" hey that's what I was gonna say!

"well let's check out the base anyway!" I follow after them with a sigh. "you're gonna be a marine, right?" Luffy asks Koby, who seems like he's gonna jump out of his skin if one were to make a wrong move.

"y-yea, but I'm not really ready yet.. rumor has it, a guy named Captain Morgan is at the base, and-"

everyone within the vicinity runs away again, leaving us three standing there awkwardly.

"that names also taboo, huh" I mutter to no one in particular.

luffy laughs as he continues walking. "what a funny town!"

"luffy!  don't go just insult this town like that out loud!" I shout, but I'm not really mad because I had the same thought.

"it's strange.. " koby starts. "I understand zoro, but why are they afraid of a navy captain?!" he rants. " I suddenly feel uneasy about this.."

"you sure they didn't jump just for fun?!" luffy questions like the idiot he is.

"luffy you idiot-"

"nobody would do that!" Koby shouts.

as we glance up at the marine gate, luffy speaks up.

"alright, we're here!" he announces, hands on his hips.

"I'm finally here" Koby says- is he crying? "I guess this is where we part ways, Luffy-san and Akashi-san.."

"it isn't" I mumble silently as he continues.

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