Chapter 7

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~Brahms's POV~

I eat the omlete Y/N had made me in my room, looking at that note she had...

'You are probably confused, but you are in a different universe where you have to survive the movie The Boy. Once you have successfully survived, you can leave.'

What's the boy? And what do they mean different universe?...once you survive... I take a gulp of orange juice and set the empty glass down onto the table...I WILL protect you Y/N...


I manage to somehow play Mary had a little lamb after 17 attempts without messing up and read Brahms a book called leaves of grass. I put some sandwiches on a plate for Brahms and sit him down, to go look for that shiny thing. I walk towards the stairs and see a flash. I crouch down and try and open it again but it's been nailed shut. I go back down to the kitchen and Brahms is gone.

"Brahms?," the food is still there but there is a note with red writing that says 'hide and seek'. "Okay then..." I say with a sigh. "Ready or not, here I come!" I yell so he can hear me. I first check in the lounge, but nope. Not there. I then check the rooms but not there either. That's when I hear I giggle in the room next to me. The bathroom.

I open the door and see Brahms, sitting on the toilet lid with a tray. There's another note. 'Medicine' in neat, cursive, red writing. I grab a small box that reads 'Panadol'. "Thanks, Brahms."

I take the panadol and other medicines along with brahms to the kitchen. The food is gone. I sit Brahms down into a chair and get a glass. I fill it with cold, fresh water, and after popping two pills into my mouth, I take a big drink of water, feeling a little nauseous after.

That's when I hear a knock at the door. I turn around, carrying Brahms, and open the door. There is a man with long, black hair and a beard. "Y/ are you?"

"Good, a little sick but good. Can I help you?" I ask which make the man smile.

"May I come inside?" He asks. I have a bad feeling about this. But I can't control my myself. It's like the words fell out of my mouth.

"Sure" I am in shock of my own words. I don't know him. It's like I was forced to say that. I move to the side as he makes his way through the hall, admiring the art. That's when I realised. He's Cole.....

"So.....I have our tickets already," He says, leaning on a small table.

"Tickets for what?" I ask. It seems he's a bit impatient.

"To go back to America..." he says tilting his head. "What's that?" He points to the doll.

"Oh this is Brahms, the boy I'm babysitting," I said, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"You're joking, right? The real boy is gonna run outta here and say,'Boo!'" He says not buying it.

"No. They made me babysit a doll..."

He laughs slightly. "Well that just makes things a whole lot easier" He says grabbing out two tickets and putting them on the table. "Our flights in 16 hours"

"I'm not going with you" I say scoffing at him.

He walks up to me, looks at me dead in the eye, and says. "You are if you don't want to end up like your baby" He says smiling. I just nod my head knowing Greta was beaten. "Good!" He says chasing his mood in a flash. "I'm hungry!" He says walking to the kitchen. Jeesh.....he's a piece of SH!T.

Brahms Heelshire X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now