Chapter 8

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I made two plates of pasta for me and Cole. Don't want him to think I'm weird, giving food to a doll, or think we have a weird kink for murderous men in a porcelain mask, matching his porcelain doll that needs a babysitter 😐🫵

"So...which room am I sleeping in tonight?" He says, putting a price of pasta into his mouth. I stay silent for a while before replying,

"You can stay in...the guest room," I say, looking up to see him staring at me.

" know I'm really glad you're coming with me," He says, smiling. A painting falls off of the wall, followed by a loud Thud! We both snap our heads to the painting. "What the fuck was that?"

"Old house..." I say picking up the painting and placing it back onto the wall.

"Alright...well....I'm off to bed....if you can show me to my room" Cole says standing up. (This mofo didn't finish his dinner...)

"Yeah sure" I say walking up the stairs, opening the furthest away from me, guest room, which is big and luxurious.

"Alright...." Cole says, examining the room. "See you in the morning," he says, smiling, going in to hug me, but I take a step back. He frowns and gets into the bed. I turn around and go to Brahms' room. I see him lying on the bed with a book. I tuck him in and quietly read 'The boy who cried wolf'.

I kiss him on the head and say goodnight. I go to the doorframe and look at the small doll in bed. I turn off the lights and close the door. I turn off all of the lights and go to my bed.

I lay down on the silk blankets and close my eyes. I slowly get more and more pulled into a sleep. AAAAND IM OUT.

I'm standing in the lounge alone. I look down at my hands and they are dripping with crimson blood. Not my blood. A man starts to choke me from behind. I can't see his face. I'm becoming more unconscious as I claw at his arms. He's yelling at me. Yelling my name.... I wake up to the sound of yelling. "Y/N!!" I run out of bed and go into Coles room to see red writing on a wall saying 'leave now'. It looks like a liquid...perhaps paint but then a vile smell, fills my nostrils. I look down to see a bag of dead rats. Blood. It's blood. 🤬 🐀 😖|😐

"What the fuck is this!" Cole says with fury in his eyes. I shake my head.

"It wasn't me! It was...." I realise and turn my head to see the doll sitting there. "...Brahms..." he turns to the doll angrily.

"The doll?...the doll did this!" Cole yells at me. I quickly grab the doll and make a distance between us. "Alright...the doll did this.....hand it over then" he says reaching his hand out. I just shake my head and he seems more angrier. I grab the door, flinging it open and run downstairs as Cole follows. I go for the front door but I get pulled back by Cole. He chucks me in the lounge and grabs the doll.

"Please! Give me the doll back!" I say, standing back up, looking from Cole to the large mirror in the room.

"You really want me out of here..." Cole says swinging the doll around. "Nah...ill just get rid of this..." he says shaking his head. He looks down at the doll and flings him over his back, before smashing the doll into hundreds of tiny shards. The walls begin to bang and the lights flicker. Then a big bang behind the mirror.

I step away from the mirror as Cole approaches it. "You should put your ear to it..." I say suggestively. 🫡

"I think there's something behind th-" Cole begins before the mirror smashes, sending Cole back. Hehe, it's all falling together >:D

"Y/N..." A voice says in the pitch dark. Cole scoots back a bit before a white mask emerges from the pitch darkness, staring at me. And then some hair, a torso, and then a man is standing before us. The man snaps his head from me to Cole before pouncing onto Cole, choking him and hitting his head on the floor. Dang....its better in person than from a screen....wait...Coles body is limp....shoot gotta run!

I run out of the room to the front door and open it, escaping into the forest when not even 10 ft away from the house I hear a snap! And a sharp pain in my feet. I look down, realising I forgot to wear shoes, with my bare feet stuck in rat traps. My feet start to bleed as I hold my mouth from screaming. I look back to the house and Brahms appears in the door frame. I quickly try to pry the traps off but I slip and it snaps down on my feet again. I can't help but scream into my arm. I successfully take one of the Traps off but Brahms sees me.

I end up running away, bare footed, with a rat trap on my left foot, into the forest. I quickly wipe out my phone and post a photo #RunningAwayFromMurder #HoboLook

I am running until I trip over a twig and hit my head on the ground. Owwy. I feel something drip down my head. I touch it and it's blood. I feel someone picking me up. I open my eyes and see a mask. "BRAHMSY ME BOI!" I say as he takes me inside. He places me on the couch and rushes into the wall.

I take a look at my phone. 59 likes already?. Sweet. Brahms comes back with a little green bag. He slowly crouches down infront of me. "Don't be scared..." He says in a child's voice. He reaches for a plaster (BaNdAiD) and goes to put it on my head before I stop him.

"Can I have the spongebob one? I like him more than Mr. Krabbs, " I say, pointing to the plaster (BaNdAiD) box. He nods his head and puts a SPONGEBOB PLASTER!!! (BaNdAiD) on meh head. "You ain't gonna kill me?" I ask. Brahms shakes his head.

"Look I knew you were in the walls the moment I came here" I say as his eyes widen and he tilts his head. "So do yo-"

"Your not from here..." Brahms says interrupting me.

"Wot?" I ask

"Your not from....this world?" He asks. I shake my head. "How?"

I tell him the whole story of how i got here, that glowing orb, and I lay on some emotional trauma for fun 😈.

Words: 1142 hehe

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