Chapter 12

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We went back to the shore after spending a long time in the water, the water was still inviting but i'm controlling myself not to dip down again or else i'll have to deal with sunburns which I don't wanna deal with in this stay.

Freen on the other hand remained silent,  she was long silent since she saw that woman again. I didn't see her face but I can tell that she and Freen have history together base on Freen behavior. She remained still beside me helding my hand between hers giving it gentle press each time which I don't even wanna complain about.

After a few minutes of paddling back to the shore,the boats stopped in the bay as all of us get off the boat.  The guides held their hands for us to hold on to but before I could even touch the man's hand, Freen held my hand back getting off the boat first before helping me out.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Your welcome." She murmured back.

Then on the next boat that arrive carries the woman she was looking at earlier and this time it made her swift her head back on the woman again. Her face possess different emotions looking at the girl and  when the girl was about to turned her gaze on us Freen started pulling me away.

"Who is she?" I asked,  my curiosity killing me. I can't help but ask about her.


"The girl you were always looking at, who is she?" I repeated.

"No one." She replied but I know she is hiding something from me.  Like she don't want me to know who that woman is and I don't wanna push her into telling me if she don't want to.

We both walked back to our hotel room and I can't deny but all eyes are on both of us. Well, mostly on Freen, but she don't give a damn about it but I am the one disturb about their knowing stares. Silence envelope the atmosphere when we reach the room, none of us talk, the only thing that can be heard is the faint sound coming from outside that is filtered out in the hard solid walls.

"You go take a shower, i'll go in when you finish." Freen suggested so I went in. I bathed myself freely rubbing the soap in my skin enjoying the hot water grazing the outsides of my body.

I shut my eyes close enjoying the perfect moment of bliss when the water touches my skin, but it soon vanished when I remembered the woman. Who is she? Why did Freen react like that? Why is she looking at the girl? Was it Dasha? But I didn't see her face, I can't just jump into conclusion that it was Freen's first love.

I shouldn't think about it. Why am I thinking about it? It's not my business to begin with.

Sighing in response, I reach for my towel wrapping my body with it before going out the bathroom. And when I open the door Freen's eyes bore on me, from head to toe, and it makes me nervous. She was looking at me like I had something on my face.

Then I saw her gulped. Wait did she just?

"A-ahm... You can go inside now Freen." I muttered breaking the contacts she's creating.

"O-okay." She replied looking away but the blush on her face didn go unnoticed. Cute.

Once Freen step in, I quickly take my clothes out as the towel fell off my body. I pulled in my beige trousers on my legs zipping it close before wearing my brassiere. I looked at the mirror for my reflection fixing my hair smiling a little bit in the mirror.

Then a beautiful moment caught my eye, two girls. Probably a couple, dipping their feet in the pool as they kiss passionately not caring about other people. I know it's creepy watching someone do their thing but I can't take my eyes on it, they look so good, both of them look so inlove and I wish I had someone who love me in the same intensity I have too. Like how other people love their person. But I can't experience that, because...

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