Chapter 45

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Beeping, pulse, blood, tubes, nurses. Those surrounds Becky's bed as the nurses rushed over her side trying to revive her over and over again. Her chest heave up and down as the defibrillator touch her skin. It was a  moment of life and death situation, Becky is in the middle of survival and giving up, although her heart stopped beating, her soul continue to work hard to fight for this battle.

Freen on the other hand bawl her eyes out for her wife, she couldn't stop crying, she couldn't bear seeing her wife in that state.

She was pacing back and forth as she waited for the doctors to come out, her eyes hurt from all the crying, feet felt numb from all the running she made.

"I could have saved her, only if I know Mrs. Taran would do this I could have stop her from joining the pageant." She blamed herself for innumerable times, and it pained Becky's mother seeing how vulnerable Freen was. She can only stand by Freen and make her feel that she is there for the both of her daughters.

"We didn't know it  will happen Freen, we didn't know that this will come to this. Stop blaming yourself, do you think Becky would be happy knowing that you keep blaming yourself about what happened?"

"I can't help it mom, I can't bear seeing her there. "

"She will be fine Freen, I know my daughter. She's a fighter." She assured rubbing circles on Freen's pale knuckles. " Did you know, Becky once fell over a tree and stepped into broken glasses, she treat her own wounds, she pulled out the glass from her feet on her own and walk as if nothing has happened. As if it didn't hurt. And at that moment I knew my daughter is a fighter, she don't easily give up, she's more than who she is within knowing it herself. So I know she won't easily give up to this, everyone is waiting for her, you and us. We are all waiting for her to come back, and I know she would." Freen's nervousness somehow decreases, she smiled, her smile reached her ears but not her eyes.

"I always knew she is a fighter mom. I know she is." She replied, the sound of her voice tinged with pain, the ached of her heart simmer through her as she tried to hide it in thick air.

They waited and waited for hours. The ticking off the clock seems so loud in each passing moments, the heavy tension hung in the air, their heavy thumping of heart seems to be so ragid and fast causing a momentary breathing. 

After a few minutes, Freen found herself flying over the doctors who can't out of Becky's room bombarding them with questions. The sweat on the doctors forehead is visible indicating a heavy declaration of their effort to keep Becky's heart pulsating.

"How is she? Is she okay? Is she already stable?" Freen's questions rang like a cloak as the doctor pinch her nose to breath in a moment of space.


"How is she? Please tell me she's okay! Please!" Her voice echoed with indignation, the silence of the doctor heightened Freen's vitality that she can't help herself but slightly poke the doctors arms for any response.

"She's already stable ma'am. But we admit that we almost lost her, her heart stopped beating due to the blood loss it was a deep cut that almost strike her left kidney but fortunately it missed that part. For now she is asleep and will be in deep slumber for a while, you can go ahead and see her, I already transfered her to a room."

Freen fell to her knees crying in happiness knowing her wife is safe from that danger. She sobbed, her faint voice rolled down the hallways as she covered her mouth to muffle the sounds.

"Hey hey, stop crying now Sarocha. Let's go! Let's go get see your wife." Nam pulled Freen's shoulder guiding her towards Becky's new room.  There they saw Becky's pale body. The tubes connecting to the beeping of each machines indicating her heart beats, her bloody shirt is now replace with a hospital gown, her knuckles turned purple forming into a fist as the oxygen mask provided her air to breath.

Freen, with shaky breaths, took a step closer.  Watching her wife's forehead lineage, the serenity on her face remained still, only replace with pain and bruises from the sudden impact. Her head was covered with bandage as she hit the ground the moment she shield Freen from the attack, and that alone made Freen blame herself.

"Babe." She took Becky's hand in hers, guiding it to touch her cheeks, the usual thing Becky do when she misses Freen. " Babe please be okay, I miss you already.  I'm waiting for you, please be okay. Please be well." She affirmed, her eyes coated red indicating a new wave of tears forming in her eyes. But she sucked it in, she can't let Becky see her like this. She needs to be strong.

She sat on Becky's side of the bed rubbing her wife's cheek. Her soft skin still remained the same, the only change is it turned cold. So cold and if she is not breathing Freen will think she is no longer there. " I'm sorry I couldn't save you from her, I didn't ran as fast as I can, I didn't save you before she can push that knife in your skin. I'm sorry baby, i'm so sorry."  She weep, Becky's mother hold in her tears as she watch Freen holding her daughter like that. She circled Becky's side of the bed hugging her daughter's unconscious body not too tight, but tight enough to make her feel her mother's presence.

"Freen... Becky asked me to let you see this when your not okay, I don't know why she suddenly film this but this is about you she is talking about." Her mother handed her Becky's phone, as the video started she saw Becky adjusting the camera, the angle and the reflection of the light, she was wearing Freen's favorite shirt and a shot underneath before proceeding to sit in an indian sit. Freen smiled butter touching the screen of her phone when Becky smiled. Then she started speaking.

"Hey baby! I don't know why I suddenly felt the urge to film this but I just wanna say that I am so proud of you. Everything will be better, don't worry about things na ka. This days I notice you so stress about things you shouldn't worry about until it's giving you headaches. I just wanna tell you that don't pressure yourself too much, everythi is enough, don't overdo yourself. I am so proud of you, always and forever. Let's keep fighting together na? Let's conquer the world hand in hand! I miss you!"

Then the video stopped. Freen sobbed harder holding Becky's hand as she smile slowly rewatching the video again and again.

She planted a soft kiss on Becky's forehead and to her knuckles. "Let's conquer the world together baby, that's why you need to be better. Get better na ka. I love you. Come back home."

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