Chapter 14

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Talking about what actually happened before my marriage is expected, I know someone from my past would dig it someday and Kade is starting it. She's reliving what I already buried, I lived with the unspoken questions I have in my mind, buried without answers, without clarifications and explanations why she did that. Because I know I don't deserved that.

I don't deserve to be cheated on.

I don't deserve to be betrayed with the person I trusted and loved the most.

But it happened, a week before my marriage. And it hurts like hell.

As I stepped into the outside of our room, I heaved a deep sigh before twisting the knob open fixing the left over tears in my eyes not wanting Becky to see what happened back there.

Arriving at the hotel room seeing Becky singing in the entire area never failed to make my mood lighter. Her voice sounds so good, soothing like an angel, and the way she sway her body a little to the beat of Camila Cabello's Never Be the Same song make her look so much cuter.

"What are you doing?" I asked announcing the presence she failed to acknowledge because she was so busy lip syncing the song.

"A-ahm... Nothing, I thought you'd be out today?" She replied averting the topic, the music is already turned off.

"You look stupid." I replied ignoring the question she asked. She gaved me a scowling face due to my judgement but I only pay her my cold stare, I know I just said she's cute but I don't wanna tell her that.

"Your so annoying!" She halted, her brown orbs rolling at me.

I walked over the couch leaving her behind staring at my back for god knows how long and said. "But you sound good, i'm lucky the heavens still treats you good by giving you a nice voice."

"Your just saying that cause you sound like a broken record." She replied.

"Oh trust me you would even forget your name if you hear me sing." I prompted, grinning sheepishly at her. "But I can sing better when the lights are off." Then I winked at her.

Becky's face plastered confusion as I delivered those words. She was processing what I said making me giggle, she look serious thinking about what I just said.

"Ew Freen! Pervert!" She yelled throwing me the pillows on the couch as I dodge it over covering my head from the brutal attacks.

Becky might be petite and tiny but her strength is twice as mine. I swear I would lost my vision when she hit too hard. This tiny woman is so strong.

"What? I'm just telling the truth!" I yelled.

"Yeah, you just said you can sing better when the light are off!"

" And? I mean that's true! No one can see me when the lights are off so my confidence is a little too high." She raised her sculptured eyebrows on me giving me a wtf look as laughed lightly. " What are you thinking? I'm just saying I can sing better when lights are ceased."

Settling in the far edge of the couch, Becky glance at me with her murderous looks but her cheeks coated pink blush.

"Guess who's pervert between us two. Geez, your thinking something else."

"Who wouldn't? You just said it in a different like your referring to-"

"To what?" I asked raising my left brow at her waiting for her next word.

"To the usual things couples and married people do." Becky whispered looking down at her lap fidgeting the tips of her fingers.

" I'm not referring to it, your just thinking about that." I replied but the truth is I kinda really referred to that deed. I just want to piss her off.

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