Chapter 39

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Frustration somber over Freen's face the whole day. The immense irritation she felt cannot be fathom no matter how she tried to get herself busy with paperwork's. At the end of the day, her mind would still linger at her wife  that's been consuming and lurking at her mind the whole time.

Flipping through the pages of the records she is holding, a call from her mother interrupted her wandering senses. Despite the privacy she obtain about her wife and her situation , her mother still grasp bit of information from her sources. " Hey mom. Yeah i'm at the University. Hm, Becca have classes. Yeah, there's just a small misunderstanding between us two but i'll fix it as soon as possible. Yes mom we will." She cut the call short, pulling her hair in frustration as she slumped her face on the records lying on her desk.

Forcing herself out of the office, she made her way to the school gymnasium trying to burn time. Her classes is not due till 3 pm so she have two hours to reflect upon her choices and it's eating her alive. The noise in her heart speaks volumes of unspoken monologues, her mind preoccupied with different things and different people, her body tirelessly move around. Upon reaching the gym, she directly went to her favorite sport inside. Tennis.

Not a lot of student are in the gymnasium, just some seniors performing aerobics and some varsity players playing basketball. Some are from law department but her wife is nowhere to be seen.

She made her way to the tennis court seeing her co-worker playing killing time before their classes. She smiled at her before asking permission if she could join. " Do you mind if I join you Mrs. Bridge ?" She inquired.

The older woman nodded beckoning her to get the spare rocket on the side before they both started playing. " This is the second time I have seen you join me Ms. Chankimha, you must have been exhausted again.  The last time you came here you were distress about your students profiles."

Freen gaved her a beaming smile. "I'm in a rough road right now Mrs. Bridge so i'm trying to reduce it by playing." She replied. The middle-aged woman nodded in response accepting the professor's assertion.

As they indulge themselves in a heated professor to professor play, Freen's mind wander about Becky again. It's been a few months already when she tried consoling Becky, she already did the roses thingy, the letters, the surprises, the milk tea gifts, and other things she could ever think but none of it seems to work. Becky look so dense and it irks Freen knowing her wife is making it so hard to win her back.

Freen was trapped in a whirlwind of her emotions, unable to figure out what she could do, she heave a deep sigh before focusing on her little game.

Commotion wrapped around the area, a student was hit by the basketball player knocking her over to the ground. Being a professor, Freen and Mrs. Bridge ran over to check for any other harms the impact created. They tried identifying the student wincing in pain heldi her feet as her head duck down in between her legs covering her face. The student was wearing her jersey shirt, probably playing volleyball, her hair covered her jersey name blocking them by identifying her.

Unbeknownst to Freen's awareness, it was her wife that was knock over.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you! I didn't mean to hit you!" The dark skinned guy exclaimed rubbing the girl's shoulder.

She held her head up high, and there Freen saw her wife's face with an irking pain bestowed upon her angelic serenity. " Becky!" Freen bent down, check Becky's legs and arms, her back, her thighs, everything to know if she have other bruises and sighed when she found out there was no other bruises carved in her wife's skin. " What are you even doing here? Since when did you play volleyball ball?" She inquired, the moment she stepped into the gymnasium Becky wasn't there. How come she is suddenly here?

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