Chapter 2

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"Guys! Kieran is joining the game!" Lara looked a little too happy to be saying this sentence. She doesn't know how much of a dick he can be.

And as I lifted my gaze, my eyes looked right into his. We stared at each other for a few seconds, before I averted my eyes away from him.

Why him? Why out of everyone, it had to be him to join the game? Whoever was in control of my life, hated me. Definitely hated me. It was official.

Kieran never liked me, but ever since I tried to hit on his sister last year at some party, he started hating me. I wasn't even sure why. I just complimented his sister and asked for her number. This dude had no chill, I swear, because he overheard me asking, and immediately rushed to her side throwing daggers at me with his glare. She didn't even give me the number.

Yeah, ever since then, he didn't like me.

Whenever he was around me, he was rude, glares at me for no apparent reason, and called me a dumb jock.

I was not a dumb jock. I knew the stereotype, but it's bullshit. Being a jock had nothing to do with your IQ or how well you did in school.

At the moment, he was sat in front of me, glaring at me, as usual. His dark hair was falling over his icy blue eyes, making them appear darker than they really were, and hiding his eyebrow piercing, which I knew he had. I always liked piercings on girls, it made them look even more attractive, making their features pop out. But on Kieran, I had mixed feelings about it. But I guess he didn't look that bad.

Actually, I could admit he was fairly attractive. Okay, he was really attractive. But these are just facts, there's nothing I could do about it other than admit it.

Kieran must have felt me staring at him again, since he looked back at me, with confusion in his face.

Great. Now he thought I was a creep.

After a few minutes, I realized that others had already started spinning the bottle and I didn't even notice when the bottle had landed on me and Kieran.

"Damn, bro, enjoy your time in the closet with Damien" Finn said to Kieran with an evil smirk. Kieran, on the other hand, looked furious.

Whatever. I didn't want to be alone with you for seven minutes either, asshole.

Before I went, I took a long swig of vodka. I have to admit, I was pretty drunk already and this definitely won't help, but hey, maybe it will make the situation with Kieran more bearable. Kieran then got up and went into the walk-in closet. When I stood still, looking at him, surprised he went so willingly.

"C'mon, Damien, I don't have all day. Let's just get this over with" He frowned.

I took a few steps towards the closet, almost instantly feeling the vodka, and cursing myself for drinking so much in such a short amount of time. It was making me all wobbly and shit. Ugh.

After I successfully wobbled in, Kieran closed the door, sat down on the floor and waited, meanwhile I still stood there like an idiot. Sitting down honestly seemed like an amazing idea all of a sudden, so I dropped down next to Kieran.

He jumped a little, startled at my sudden movement, and moved further away from me.

"Aww, I don't bite Kieran," I started talking with a smirk "Are you scared of me?"

"Hell no."

"Then what is your problem with me?" I finally managed to ask the question that has been in my mind for ages now.

"I have a problem with everything you do." he said calmly.

"Of course you do" I kinda expected this response, but didn't know what else to say.

After a few seconds of silence, I started observing him. Why was he not looking at me? He must have felt me staring at him. Why did I care? Why did his hair look so shiny? Did he take care of it or was it natural? His skin was actually perfect too. No acne, no acne scars, no black heads. How did he do that?

His eyes... they are so, beautiful. His nose was straight, it suits his face very well. All of his features were razor sharp. I mean, he was not hard on the eyes.

"What are you staring at?" he asked defensively.

"Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, in a more demanding tone this time.

"You..." I didn't even finish my sentence as my eyes drifted to his lips. They looked so soft. Were they soft? Or did they just look soft? I started wondering about how it would feel to kiss him. Was he a rough kisser? Or gentle? I was so curious.

It was normal to wonder, right?

"I... what?" He's the confused one now, looking at me strangely.

Well there was only one way to find out the truth...

I slowly repositioned myself, so I was now standing in front of him, looking down.

"What the hell are you doing, Damien?" He looked uneasy, and maybe... nervous?

I wasted no time, my head slightly spinning, as I placed my hands on Kieran's cheeks and kissed him.


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