Chapter 12

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So, Elijah knew. He knew I was gay. He knew there was something going on between me and his brother. Did he tell anyone? Did he tell Rose?

God. If he told Rose, there was a big chance she told my little sister. I didn't want my sister to find out so soon, and not from someone else.

I wanted to tell her myself.

I needed to talk to Elijah.

Fortunately for me, all of us went to the same school. He was just two grades below me. He was a sophomore. I just needed to find him.

I tried to look for him and Rose, and thankfully, I found Rose and Hazel at their usual spot in the cafeteria. I went up to them and they both greeted me.

"Hi, Rose, ummm, do you know where I could find your brother?" I asked, nervously.

Her smile turned into a frown. "Why are you looking for my brother?"

Was it a bad thing to talk to her brother or something? Why was she frowning?

"I just need to talk to him about something, and it's kinda private, sorry."

"Hmm, okay I guess. He has English right now.  First class on the third floor." she said.

"Thank you so much, Rose!" I said before I left.

After I beat the stairs, gosh, I hated these stairs, I finally found the classroom. I just had to wait a few minutes before it ended.

The bell rang after 12 minutes and I waited by the door for Elijah.

Then he finally appeared in the doorway with
his friends.

"Hey, Elijah, can I talk to you for a second?"

He looked at me, then nodded at his friends and they continued walking.

"Of course, what is it?"

"I think you know what this is about." I swayed on my feet, looking down.

"Oh. Yeah. This is about the last time you came over, right?" He guessed.

"Yes. Damien told me you came into the room and... whatever. I just wanted to ask if you told anyone about what you saw." I cracked my knuckles. I was so nervous.

"Well, no. I didn't tell anyone. I'm not exactly sure what I saw, though." He paused. "Is there really something between you and my brother?"

I just looked at him. I didn't know what to say. I would say yes, but that would mean outing Damien to his brother. And if I said no, it wouldn't make sense for me to come here.

Before I decided on what to say, he started talking.

"Hey, look, If there is, it's totally fine. I don't have anything against it at all. If you and my brother are happy together, I'm happy for you.

"But since you're here, talking to me, I'm guessing you don't want anyone to know. Am I right?"

He was exactly right. Well, except the together part.

"Well, we're not exactly together but— Yes. It would be great if you didn't tell anyone." I said calmly.

He smiled. "Sure, I won't tell anyone. Good luck with my brother, he's a lot to handle sometimes." He said with a chuckle.

I smiled back. "Thank you, Elijah. I appreciate it."

After that, I decided I should finally talk to Damien.

I think he has practice later today.


Leave me alone. That was what he had said. To leave him alone. But I didn't think I could do that.

I think I was starting to fall for him. Shit. This was bad. Why couldn't it be like all of my other hookups? What if I ever tolf him about my feelings and he abandons me for good and never talks to me ever again?

I should stop thinking about him. He said to leave him alone. So that was what I was going to do. It's been decided.

I had football practice anyway.

Hopefully Andrew wouldn't be a problem this time.

After I got dressed for practice. I noticed Andrew looking at me when I got on the field. I noticed he does that almost every time since our talk in the changing rooms.

Maybe he was still holding that grunge.

Whatever. I didn't feel like fighting with him today.

The whole time we were playing, Andrew kept messing up. He was totally out of it.

"Damien, go talk some sense into Roux!" Coach Martinez yelled.

He doesn't know about our indifferences, so this is just a pure coincidence.

But I didn't care. I went over to Andrew and asked. "What's going on with you?"

He looked at me like a deer in headlights.

What the fuck. Is he high?

I looked closer into his eyes and they were extremely red and puffy. He's actually high. Jesus Christ, Andrew.

"I'll take him to the changing rooms Coach! He's not feeling well!" I yelled across the field at Coach and he gave me a thumbs up.

After I successfully wobbled with Andrew into the changing rooms, I sat him down.

"What the fuck, man! Are you high? Why would you do drugs just before practice?" I exclaimed.

"It's because of you." He said slowly, looking at his feet.

Now, you have got to be kidding me.

I laughed. "So you're saying its my fault you're high?"

"It's because of you and your stupid words why I'm so fucked lately!" He shouted.

"What are you talking about, Roux?" I was confused now. We never even talk.

"Are you gay or not?" he said sounding almost.. desperate.

Why is he asking me that?

Oh my god.

Is he?

"No, I'm bisexual, if you must know." I already told Minho and Lily as well so I don't really have to hide it. Everyone who matters already heard it from me. Well, except my family. I haven't told them yet, but I would, soon. Elijah had probably figured it out already.

"How did you– how did you figure it out? He was looking at me with his green eyes, his dark brown hair shining in the light.

"I found a boy that I liked" I closed my eyes as I sat down next to him. "Do you have a boy you like?"

"What! No!" He yelled.

I looked at him, clearly not believing him.

He looked away, red in the face. "Well, maybe I do. I don't fucking know."

So this was the reason he has these stupid comments about Lily and Abby. Internalized homophobia. I read some articles about that, when Kie told me how he feels about being gay.

I put my hand in his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. That's not a bad thing."

He looked at my hand on his shoulder. His cheeks were still on fire.

Then he looked at my lips.

He was just staring at them for a second, and before I realized what was going on, he kissed me. I froze for a second but then pushed him off.

Oh shit. Does he like me?

"Andrew I–" I'm at loss for words. "I don't– feel that way about you. I'm so sorry."

Right after I finished my sentence, he ran off.

And I noticed Kieran, standing outside the little  window we had in there, looking at me with wide eyes and jaw on the floor.


we all probably expected andrew to be a lil fruity didnt we

also im really sorry yall but i know nothing about football so im just not gonna describe the game lol

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