Chapter 5

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"Are you gay?" I asked, curious.

There was no way that the Damien Hayes was gay. He was a player. Womanizer. I couldn't believe it. But why would he kiss me if he wasn't?

"I'm- I'm not." He stuttered. He fucking stuttered. If that doesn't prove he's lying then I didn't know what does. At the moment, everything is just pointing in that direction.

I observed him. He was now back on the floor again, the punch knocked off his balance, making him fall on his ass.

I felt a little bad now for punching him. Now he probably thought I was homophobic or some shit. I was not. But I wasn't gay either. I was, what my father would call 'normal', straight.

"Yeah, right." I said, not really believing him. But I decided I didn't want to discuss this further, and left. Maybe he was still in the closet and didn't want anyone to know. Don't know, don't care. But I wasn't a total asshole. I might have hated him, but I wouldn't out him. That was just a wrong thing to do.

When I got back in the room, Lara asked. "Where's Damien?"

"I'm not sure, he's probably just drunk off his ass somewhere." I said as I walked over to Finn, who was talking to Alicia, and said "Hey, I think I'm gonna head home, I'm pretty tired"

"Oh, okay, I'm gonna stay for a little while, if you don't mind" He said.

"Yea, no, I don't mind at all, have fun" I smirked and looked between him and Alicia, who was leaning on Finn's right side.

We did our handshake that we had made up years ago when we were kids. For some unknown reason, it stuck. After that I left the house.

I walked over to my motorcycle, put on my helmet and drove off. I haven't had much to drink, I had only like, two drinks a few hours back, so driving wasn't a problem.

I got to my house after a few minutes of driving. Since it was so late, the roads were mostly empty. I parked my bike in the garage and went into the house.

My father was sleeping on the couch, with TV still on, and four empty bottles of beer on the table. Classic.

As I went upstairs, I saw that Hazel had her door opened. I peeked into her room to see if she was sleeping. She wasn't. She was on her phone.

"Hey, Hazel." I smiled and walked over to her.

She looked up, her face brightening when she saw me. "Hi, Kie" she said as she stood up to hug me.

Hazel was a hugger. She loved hugging everyone and loved physical contact. I was not a hugger. I tried to avoid physical contact as much as I could with everyone. But I always hug Hazel back. I didn't mind it with her. It was kind of comforting.

"Did you have fun at the party?" she asked innocently.

You have no idea, Hazel.

"Yeah, it was okay" I said hesitantly.

"Then why did you say it like that?" She always looked right through me, even though this time it was pretty obvious.

"Well, something... interesting happened," I started. "but I can't tell." When I said I won't out him, I really meant everyone, even my little sister.

She faked a gasp "How dare you not tell me! I always tell you everything. Traitor." she crossed her arms.

I grinned. "Sorry Hazie, but this time I really can't tell you, it's too private."

She narrowed her eyes at me, but nodded.

"How has your day been?" I asked.

"It was okay." she answered, mocking me, clearly having fun as she was smirking while saying that.

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