Chapter 1

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Eras gc 💚💛💜❤️💙🖤🩷🩶🧡💙

Debut 🤠: Hi guys I made a group chat!!

Rep 🖤: How tf did you get my number 

Lover 🌸: We already have a group chat 🩷

Debut 🤠: ...

Debut 🤠: You do?

1989 🏙️: Lover she wasn't supposed to know about that

Lover 🌸: Oops sorry guys 😔🫶🏻

Debut 🤠: you have a group chat without me?

Midnights 💙: Yup sorry kid

Debut 🤠: dont call me kid im technically older than u


Debut 🤠: What is blud yapping on about 

Folklore 🩶: This is why you're not in the group chat Debut. 


Debut's perspective;

Sometimes I feel like all of the other albums leave me out. I know that I don't fit in with them but they could at least try and hang out with me sometimes. At least I have Fearless, we're pretty good friends even though shes a few years older than me. 

"Hey Debut are you ok?" Lover noticed me sitting on my bed alone and came into my room.

"Yeah I'm fine, why do you care," Ok maybe that was a little mean, but they were mean to me.

"I'm sorry that the others were rude to you, I'm trying to convince Reppy to let you hang with us sometimes," Her and Reputation are down BAD for each other, but neither of them will admit it. Lover still doesn't know she's the only one who's allowed to call Rep Reppy. 

"Thank you lover, but I'm okay on my own, plus I know Rep doesn't really want me around." 

"Okay, if you're sure," She said, and left. I sighed and laid down, burying my head in my pillow after she shut the door. 

Rep's perspective;

"Oh hey Lover," I said as she walked into my room. I quickly checked what I looked like in the mirror and smoothed down my hair. No why are you doing that, she's your best friend she doesn't care what you look like. Why do you care so much?  I thought. Lover and I had been good friends for a while, but the past few weeks I had felt different arround her, more conscious of how I looked, and mostly how she looked. She was wearing a pink shirt and short denim shorts, and I had to stop myself from looking at her thighs. Why the hell are you looking at her thighs you creep, she's your friend. 

"Hi Reppy," She greeted me, and slid down next to me. "I like your eyeliner, how do you get it so neat?" She asked. I blushed at the compliment and hesitated before replying.

"I could show you how to do it if you want," I suggested, and she nodded before getting up and following me into my bathroom. I grabbed my eyeliner and popped the lid off, before standing behind her. I handed her the pen and then placed my hand on top of hers. The action felt weirdly intimate, although I had done similar things with my other friends before. 

"Close your eyes Luv," I said, and she flipped her eyelids shut. I gently traced the eyeliner over her eyes, and her eyelid flickered slightly. "Am I pressing down too much?" I pulled away worriedly, not wanting to hurt her. 

"Not at all, keep going." I continued my line and got to the wing, then repeated it on the other side. 

"Done," I said, stepping away. She commented on how neat it was and then hugged me. I buried my head in her shoulder as she was slightly shorter than me, and breathed in her scent. She smelt like vanilla and caramel mixed with flowers, and I never wanted the hug to end, I wished I could stay there frozen in time forever. Then I heard a rustle and someone swearing and pulled away to see 1989 in the doorway recording us on her phone.

"FUCK OFF 1989," I yelled, and she ran off before I threw anything at her. "Don't take any notice of her Luv," 

"I love when you call me that," She said absent mindedly. "Shit did I actually say that," She turned red.

"Yup," I giggled, "It's ok, I like it when you call me Reppy," 

Group chat (without debut)

1989 🏙️: 1 Image attached

1989 🏙️: Guys look at lover and Rep 

Rep 🖤: Fuck off 1887

Midnights 💙: Lmao theyre so in denial 

Lover 🌸: In denial of what?

Rep 🖤: Dw abt it Luv

Lover 🌸: Ok Reppy 🩷

Midnights 💙: ... Exactly my point.

Fearless' perspective;

I noticed that Debut had been in her room for a while so I decided to go check on her. 

"Debut? It's Fearless, can I come in?" I knocked on the door, and heard shuffling before entering without an answer. 

"Go away Fearless," She said, hiding her face. She doesn't normally push me away, so I wondered what was wrong. I sat down on the bed beside her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, look at me," I cupped her chin in my hand and pulled her face to look at me. She had tear stains down her cheeks and her eyes were red from crying. "Oh Debut, what's wrong?"

"I-I... The other albums dont l-like me and t-they always leave me out," She sobbed, and leant on me. I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her head in my chest. We stayed like that for a while and she eventually went to sleep. I smiled and adjusted my position so that I was laying down as well.

Debut's perspective;

I woke up in the morning and felt arms around me, then noticed Fearless asleep next to me. Memories of last night came rushing in and I panicked for a moment, realising that we had been cuddling all night. But friends do that right? And I dont have feeling for her, I'm not gay, and shes not gay, we're friends. I laid rigidly for a few more minutes until her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi Debut," She smiled at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," I said gruffly, embarrassed about my breakdown last night.

"I'm going to go get some breakfast now, wanna come?"

"Um, no thanks, I'll stay here for a while." I said, shuffling over away from her. She looked hurt, but left regardless to go eat. 

I couldn't bring myself to go down to eat, and I wasn't hungry anyways from crying so much. I decided to keep myself busy and go to the mall, so I got dressed. I couldn't be bothered to look nice, so I threw on some sweatpants and a jumper, as it was cold outside. I slipped out of the house without having to interact with anyone, and walked to the mall. 

Once I got there, I wasn't really in the mood to shop so I just sat outside on a bench and watched as people walked past. When you get ignored a lot, you become very observant. 

A/N Sorry if its kind of short this is my first time writing stuff like this, if you have any suggestions pls comment them! I'm mostly just writing this for myself tbh

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