Chapter 24

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Tw; eating disorder
Folklore's perspective;

When I finally came out of my room, I managed to get to the kitchen and make myself some food without running into Fearless. To avoid any confrontation, I brought it up to my room and began to eat at my desk.

My phone started buzzing and I saw that Debut was facetiming me.

"Hi Folklore," She greeted me.

"Hi Debut, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm doing okay actually," She smiled. "Just wanted to talk to someone,"

"Alright," I continued to eat. "Have you been eating?"

"Yeah, Red's been making sure of that," She said. "Bicycle gave us more food, I was getting sick of Mac and cheese. There was some chicken, but it was really old and out of date,"

"Oh good, what is it this time?" I asked.

"Taylor got him in trouble for not feeding us properly, Fearless told her, so we have like, normal people stuff now," She said. "Like, bread and meat and vegetables and stuff,"

"That's great, who normally cooks? I'm curious,"

"We used to share it around, but now 1989 cooks most of the time," She said, and I frowned.

"Hmm, okay," I made a mental note to talk to Midnights, this being one of the telltale signs that I had noticed before when she was struggling.

"Is there something wrong with that?' She cocked her head at me curiously.

"No, don't worry about it," I said.

"I was just thinking, we're in a funny situation here,"

"How so?" I asked.

"Well Speak now is around me and Fearless is around you, it's kind of ironic," She explained. "I mean, it's worse but also better than it being the other way around,"

"Exactly, I mean, if we were around them then it would be even more awkward, but at the same time, it would give us a chance to maybe make things up,"

"Do you want to?" She asked. "Make it up with Speak now, I mean,"

"Not really," I shrugged. "I very much value trust, and she broke that. Do you want to get back with Fearless?"

"Yeah," She admitted. "I'm really in love with her still, nothing's going to change that. Like, she still really hurt me, but is it bad that I don't really care?"

"I mean, it's your choice - Personally, I care, but everyone's different, so that's just what's normal for you,"

"Thanks Folklore," She said, smiling again. "You're good at giving advice,"

"Anytime," I said. "Bye Debut,"

"Bye," She hung up and I sat to finish my food for a few minutes before I remembered what I had meant to do before. I stood up and took my empty plate downstairs to the sink, luckily encountering Midnights along the way.

"Hi Midnights,"

"Oh hi Folklore, how are you?" She turned around from where she was sitting on the couch.

"I'm okay, I wanted to talk to you about something though," I continued walking, gesturing for her to come with me, and she followed.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine as far as I know, but I think you should check up on 1989," I began rinsing my plate.

"Why? Did you talk to her?" She looked worried.

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