Chapter 39

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Fat ass A/N please read; 

So this part was written by @gitoffmahlawn thank you pookie 🫶🏻 The entire part was her idea, I just edited it slightly to fit better with how I normally write, so come for her blood, not mine.

Also ik that I seem to be torturing a lot of people but here is my reasoning;
1: Im sticking to just these 3
2: Lover's not going to get tortured again and nor is Rep
Pls give me advice and tell me if this should be my last torture scene. 

Sorry that this doesn't really have a plot, but I really enjoy writing it and I hope you still enjoy reading it <33

Also TW'S PLEASE READ; Torture (Cutting w/ knife, choking and generally physical abuse) and Bicycle being weird and inappropriate with a minor

Debut's perspective; 

I was sitting on my bed, chewing on my bottom lip in angst as I regretted my decision. Rep was sleeping again, and I had been putting off waking her because I knew that sleep was good for healing, but now I needed her to. 

Bicycle had come in, and I had begged, begged him to get some things to help Rep. I could tell that the wound was infected, and I was worried that if it was left, then it would get even worse. If we were at home then we would have already brought her to the hospital, but obviously that wasn't an option. I had made the mistake of telling Bicycle that I would do anything for it, and... now I was worried about what he meant by anything. 

"Hey Rep, could you wake up, please? I got some stuff,"

I started tapping on her shoulder gently to wake her up. I didn't want to touch her too much without permission because I know how touchy she can be and our friendship, whilst better than a few weeks prior, was still sitting on uneven ground.

"Fine, I'm awake, what do you want Debut?" She muttered, a typical mixture of annoyance for being woken up laced through her words.

"I have medical stuff to um, to help you. I can help you or just help you into the bathroom if that's what you want," I offered timidly. Please let me help, please don't leave me alone in this stupid room, I don't feel safe.

"Oh nice, did the bike bitch finally decide to ease my endless suffering? And I can do it on my own," She huffed with a painstaking amount of annoyance and pain. I handed her some stuff and she tried to start, wincing in pain. "Um, I might need some help," She mumbled, looking embarrassed. I simply nodded, silently thinking 'I told you so'. 

She took off her shirt and I started gently, first removing the towel from her stomach, cleaning it with some anisthetic, and then applying the dressing. I wrapped the bandage around andd layered some over the cuts on her back. It didn't take long but it felt like I may have aged about a million years during the process because I'd be damned if I messed it up or made her angry.

"Huh, that was quick. Where did you learn to treat wounds like that Debut?"

"You'd be surprised how clumsy Fearless actually is." I chuckled at the irony of Fearless being, well, not fearless, brushing off the thought as I placed my hand onto Rep's forehead and confirmed that the whole arctic would melt within 10 meters from her.

"Wait a minute, you're burning up, I'm gonna get a cold towel for you. First, lie down before you make your wounds worse."

I scurried back into the bathroom and got yet another towel and put it under cold water. I walked back and placed the towel on her forehead, within minutes she was already on the brink of falling asleep, that was both a good and bad sign. I turned to go to my own bed but she stopped me before I could even turn away.

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