Chapter 21

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Folklore's perspective; 

After I hung up the phone I sat in silent shock for a few seconds, then started crying. I grabbed my phone and flung it across the room, hitting a pot plant and falling to the floor in its trail of destruction. 

Eve, having heard the commotion, knocked on my door. 

"Folklore are you okay?" She came in and sat down next to me, and the only form of answer I could muster was shaking my head. "Wanna talk about it?" I shook my head again. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door downstairs, and I stood up.  

"I forgot to tell you but Fearless is home," I sniffed. 

"That's great, want to go meet her?" 

"Yeah I want to go meet her," I said. "And punch her face in," I muttered under my breath. 

We went downstairs and got to the door at the same time as Lover. She opened the door and we found Fearless and Taylor standing in the doorway. 

"Fearless! Welcome home!" Lover pulled her in for a hug as Eve greeted her as well. They looked at me expectantly. 

"You bitch," I whispered, knuckles turning white as my hands clenched into fists. 

"Folklore I'm really sorry I never meant for it to-" 

"Hey, what's going on?" Taylor asked. Lover moved forwards and put and arm around Fearless protectively as Eve put a hand on my shoulder. 

"You tell them what you did," I glared at Fearless, tears still dripping down my face. 

"Um, I uh," She shuffled her feet sheepishly, staring down at the floor. "I kissed Speak Now," Lover moved away from her, over to our side. 

"How could you? You have a girlfriend and you knew full well that she was dating me," My voice shook. 

"You know what? She only dated you once she saw that I like Debut, she liked me the whole time," Fearless stepped closer to me, voice full of spite. "I doubt she ever even liked you in the first place," 

"Fearless that's enough," Taylor said sharply. 

"No I want to hear her account of what happened," I took a step closer as well. 

"I had overheard her telling Red that she had feelings for me, and then a few weeks later I was in the kitchen making dinner when she came up to me," She smiled, her grin laced with hatred. "She kissed me, it was all her, I was just there," She shrugged and pushed past me, making sure to bang her suitcase into my shin as she walked past. 

The notion that it had been Speak Now initiating it only made things worse. Until that point, I had clung on to some hope that it might have been Fearless' fault, so after this discovery I couldn't face people anymore. I was sad, because it was always nice to see Taylor, but it wasn't a good time. 

"Lorie are you okay?" Lover asked. 

"No," I walked upstairs without making eye contact with anyone, hands shaking slightly, and closed and locked my bedroom door. 

Vision blurry with tears, I picked up my phone from where it was laying on the floor, sweeping the broken pot plant to one side with my foot and laying down on my bed. 

Debut's perspective; 

I was lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing except staring at the ceiling when my phone rang. At first I expected it to be Fearless calling me for the hundredth time, but I checked it just because, and it was a random number which I decided to pick up. 

"Hi Debut, hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," Folklore's voice rung through the phone into my ear, formal as always, though I noted her voice, shaky as my own. "It's Folklore by the way,"  

"Hi Folklore, not a bad time at all, there's nothing going on," I chuckled sadly. 

"That's sad," She paused. "How are you doing?" 


"Be honest," She said. 



"How 'bout you?" I remembered that she had also been cheated on, sitting up. 

"Same as you pretty much," She said. "I just feel like I'm being so overdramatic, y'know? Like I have to remind myself that I deserve to have feelings," 

"Me too I feel like I'm just like, making nothing of myself,"

"No, you of all people definitely have a valid reason," She said sternly. "Don't beat yourself up,"

"I'll try," 

"Hey I got to go, but save my number in your phone, I'll call you later," She said. 

"Okay, talk you soon," I said. "Folklore?" 


"Thank you," 

A/N; Wrote this in the back of the car while half asleep and with my parents arguing about random shit so this is what you get, sorry its short 

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