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After getting the documents The Triple Threat came back to Korea. They submitted their documents to their company and got a leave for a day.They went for a walk at night and ate ice cream as they love ice cream 🍨.

On the other hand..........
The three Mafias were mad furious for getting their plan cancelled.

After a few days...
The Triple Threat knew that mafias who are sumgling girls, are coming to a club where they are regular customers.

At the club :-

Time :-9:30 pm
The Triple Threat entered the club ,sat at the counter, ordered cold drinks and statred to notice everyone in such a way that it looked like they were talking to each other......


eanwhile The Mafias sitting in front of them at the counter

Jimin:-(constantly staring at Ha na )
It seems like I have seen her somewhere before . Why does it feels like i k ow her ?

Jungkook:- o buddy Say it clearly naaaa..

Jimin:- What do you mean ????

Taehyung:- He meant that you want to flirt with her . Like you always do.
" I have seen this girl and that girl. I can feel we were meant to meet each other.."
That's what you always do.

Jimin:- oh ho no no no ! That is always a joke but this time i am serious.

Jk:- Then go to her and ask her out . She wont reject a handsome boy like you. Go.

Jimin approached Ha na with a soft smile on his face .

Jimin:- Excuse me. Can we talk for a moment ??
( Ha na was talking to her friends with a wide smile on her face but when jimin excused her , her face turned into a serious one : )

Ha na :-(serious tone) yes .
Jimin:- if you don't mind can i ask your name ?
Ha na :- Park Ha na . Anything else?? (Serious)
Jimin :- It's nice to meet you! I'm Jimin . Well, it felt like i knew you so that's why i came to ask you but after hearing your name I don't think i know you .
Ha na:- oh ,hmm. ( She again turned to her friends)
Jimin:- is she ignoring me ?
Jimin stood and went back to his hyungs.

Jk:- Wait- did she ignore you or you just came back yourself ?
Jimin:- she is ignoring me 🙄
Taehyung:-How dare she enlighten you ?
Jk:- yeah, who does she think she is ?
Jimin:- Guys , leave that topic ,now let's focus on our mission.
Se-ron:- what was he saying ?
Ha na - Nothing much but his name is Park Jimin....... It seems familiar.

jimin:-(after hearing his name ,coming towards ha na) did you just say my name ? How do you know my full name ? I didn't tell you my full name . How do you know it ? Huh ?

Ha na :- No, you are mistaken, actually this name is of someone i used to know. I didn't know that it was your name either .

Jimin:- Don't lie.... I hate those who lie
Ha na :- Excuse me... I am not lying.(Furiously in a serious tone)

Jungkook:- Oo hello ! Stay in your limits while talking . Or else you will regret it.

Byeol:- Mister, who do you think you are to talk to us like that . It would be better if you also stay in your limits.

An argument started between them.

Byeol:- Girls, i think we should go . These people are not in their right minds. Disgusting .
(As the Triple Threat turned around to leave jungkook held byeol's wrist)

Byeol:- Leave ..
I Said Leave my wrist (in a mad tone)
Jungkook:- I won't .......We are not done yet.. (he was like do whatever you can do )
Byeol:- Fine .... (She slapped jungkook's face)

Taehyung:- Yaaa ! (Was about to say something but jungkook stopped him)
Jungkook:- hyung they are just girls , leave it .
Se-ron:- Guys , let's go...
(Jungkook stepped in front of her )
Jungkook:- I said We Are Not Done Yet....
Byeol:- Do you want to get slapped again ....
Jungkook:- Do you think you can do that again
(was about to touch se-ron , byeol was about to slap jungkook again but Taehyung grabbed her hand so tight that she was not able to move her hand)

Taehyung:- we are just not doing anything because you are girls...(Tightening up her hand more and more)

Byeol:- Don't think that we can't do anything just because we are girls (she was in immense pain , byeol tried to free her hand but his grip was more stronger than hers )
Byeol:- looks like your mother never told you how to talk a girl .

It made Taehyung go mad furious and he broke her thumb........

To be continued.......

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