Rage 2

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Jimin saw blood on the floor and was shocked for a second, he followed the blood drops and it led him in a room . He saw jungkook sitting there and was getting the bandage done by the old lady.

Jimin:- Hyung ! Are you okay ?( In a worried tone ) What happened?
Jungkook:- yeah ! I am fine . Se-ron attacked me with scissors.
Taehyung;- What do these girls think they are ?
Jungkook:- I don't think they are just Norma people because they she attacked was really good . I mean a normal girl can't attack like that .
Jimin:- I don't think so . They are normal. Maybe she attacked you because she was afraid of you . And tou know ehat there eye colors are real . I mean i thought they were wearing lenses but OMG their eyes are real.
Taehyung:- uhh! Wow . But you know what guys she felt familiar with Riya.
Jungkook:- Are tou really comparing her with Riya . ?
Taehyung:- No, i mean there's a big difference between them but her eyes are like riya's eyes.
Jungkook:- The three of them have their eyes familiar with them .
Jimin:- yeah, and Hana seems totally like her . Anyway leave this topic and go to tour rooms and sleep .
Taehyung:- By the way , Jungkook, what did you do to her when she attacked you?
Jungkook:- well , i unconsciously slapped her so hard that she lost her consciousness.
Jinin:- jungkook , we don't have to kill them .
Jungkook:- i got it now to you go and sleep .
Taehyung & jimin:- Good Night.
Jungkook:- good night.

Next Day....

Byeol woke up when a made was trying to wake her up .
Maid:- Mam .....mam .. please wake up. Sir is calling you for breakfast.
Byeol:- Who the hell is your sir to order me . I am not gonna came . Tell him to do whatever he can do .
Taehyung:- Sweetheart, i knew you won't come if she'll call you so i came myself.
Byeol:- Don't call me that .
Taehyung:- What sweetheart? So should i call you love or something like that? Huh ?
Byeol:- Don't call me anything. I am not anyone to you .
Taehyung:- you'll soon be . Now come down or else i will take you myseld ( holding her injured hand)
Byeol came down and saw that Hana and Se-ron were also there . She hugged them .
Byeol:- you both are fine ????
Hana and Se-ron:- yeah , what about you?
Byeol:- i am fine what can he do to me ?
Taehyung:- to okay now come here and eat breakfast.
Byeol:- Mister Kim Taehyung, what is your deal ? What do you want from us ?
Taehyung:- There's nothing you can give me .
Byeol:- (grabbing his collar) than leave us.
Taehyung:- (making her leave the collar) I won't.
Byeol:- I will kill you .
Hana:- byeol calm down.
Se-ron:- yeah, leave it . They can't kill us.
Jungkook:- why do you think that ? Last night if I wanted i could have killed you.
Jimin:- Everyone, be silent. Just Eat your breakfast.

yeol:- i would rather die then eat breakfast with you.

She was about to leave them remembered its not her house and she doesn't know any area of the mansion.
Suddenly a designer came with a lot of bridal dresses with him.

Designer:- sir, the dresses you have asked for .
Taehyung:- Good , now you can leave. And you three have to choose your wedding dress from these dresses.
Byeol:- Wedding??? WHF ! And why would i marry you ? Any specific reason?
Taehyung:- of course! Bring them .

The Gurad went and brought 10 girls with him .
Jungkook:- See , if you decline to marry us . We will kill these girls and you three will be the reason for their death.

Se-ron:- What are you saying?

Jimin:- We are saying that you three
have to marry us .

Hana:-  byeol, isn't she Min JIA (pointing towards a girl)
Min jia:- Byeol, se-ron, Hana.

Byeol:- OMG (she ran towards her) jia are you okay ? Where were you all these days ? We have been finding you .

Taehyung:- oh ! Looks like we got some relations here (smirks). Now if you decline to marry me I'll kill these girls especially your friend and the other 90 girls in the basement.
Byeol:- Are you in your mind ? What are you saying?

Jungkook shoots the girl standing next to min jia. That girl died at the place. Her blood slashes were over byeol's face. She was terrified.

Byeol:- What the---- , (screaming, grabbing jungkook's collar) what did you just did ?
Se-ron:- (fell down seeing her dead body) how can you ? How can you do that to someone?
Hana:- (sitting down to hold se-ron) it's okay . Nothing is goona happen . Okay ?

Jungkook:- Are you going to decide now or should I kill her (pointing towards min jia)
Byeol:- (ran towards min jia and stood in front of her ) Don't you dare to touch her.
Taehyung:- And what can you do even  if we kill her.
Byeol:- shut up! I am not going to marry a monster like you. Never Ever.
Jungkook:- Take a side byeol . ( Pointing the gun towards min jia)

Byeol snatched the gun from his hand and placed it on his head.
Byeol:- I am going to kill you. Let everyone go and I'll leave you.

Jungkook started laughing. Suddenly byeol noticed that there were small redd dots over her body coming from all the directions.

Taehyung:-  if you fore the gun . You'll be shot so much that there will be holes in your body.
Byeol:- I don't care about that . If i have to do that to save them , I'll do it happily.
Jungkook:- Even if you kill me , you can't save any of them .
Jimin:- Byeol, it'll be better if you leave the gun . Or else we have to use force.
Byeol:- Do whatever you can.
Se-ron:- (standing up , wiping her tears) I'll marry you .
Byeol:- Wait . What? Se-ron what are you saying?
Se-ron:- just stop it byeol, if you don't care about yourself then Just think about these girls and all those girls who will die because of us.
Byeol:- i am doing this to save everyone.
Hana:-  I'll marry you Park Jimin.
Byeol:- Hana! Are you both out of your mind.
Se-ron:-  we are not as selfish as you byeol. Hana let's go.
Byeol was shocked by se-ron's behavior. Taehyung came and took the gun from her hand.
Taehyung:- what about you ? Will you marry me or not .

Byeol:-  Never !
Taehyung:- guards take these girls and take min jia to our special room .she is a special person of course . ( SMIRKS while looking into byeol's eyes)
Byeol:- I'll kill you or I'll kill myself but I'll never marry you.

Taehyung slapped her .
Taehyung:- what did you say ? Say it again? Huh? My revenge is not complete yet so until then you can't even make a scratch on your body .
Guards take her to the room and lock her.

They choose the dresses for their wedding. 

To be contacted........

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