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As Taehyung broke her thumb, he was staring into her eyes , they felt familiar but he was furious at her so he didn't notice that much .... As they were still standing like that the owner of the club came....

Owner:- Sir.... (Aware of the whole incident) Sir.... Sir .... leave them . They are just girls . They don't know you. (Making Taehyung leave byeol's hand which was already broken..) Now you three go ... Sir come with me this way please....

He took the three of them to the second floor. Taehyung went to the window to get some air because he was mad.. But unluckyly he saw those girls standing outside the club , they were talking to each other but the way they ere talking outside was really different from the way they talked to them ... Byeol was showing her thumb to ha na and se-ron ..

Byeol:- My thumb is hurting so much ! I thought he broke it ...
Se-ron:- (laughing) so who told you to show that much attitude..... Show me you thumb.
Ha na:- I don't think it's worth watching se-ron ... Leave it ... Giggling..
Byeol:- yaaaaa ! (She slapped her head) Don't make fun of me . It really hurts... What do i do now ?
Se-ron:- okay ! Enough joking. Now we have to go .
Se-ron and ha na started their bikes and drove away... But byeol was trying to ride her bike but she couldn't. She called se-ron and hana..
Byeol:- girls .. come back . I am not able to ride my bike please come back .
Se-ron:- ohh ! We thought you were kidding. Don't worry we'll be right back.

_After some time_
Ha na and se-ron came back . Byeol sat behind se-ron and they drove away.

Taehyung was watching all of this . He knew that he broke her thumb but he was not guilty at all. He told the owner of the club to keep an eye on them .
The girls went to the doctor and did the necessary things . The doctor told her that her hand would be fine in about 3 weeks . Because of her hand they took off a day from their agency .

At Night:-
Girls went on a walk and ate ice cream.They were talking to each other about some files they were working on. Some men were also following them. They were coming back when they heard a scream.

Byeol:- what was that ?
Ha na:- It was a scream of a girl .
Byeol:- I know ! I meant where does it came from ?
Se-ron:- I think that way (pointing towards a street )

They ran and went their .... Some boys were bullying a girl and they were molesting her ....

Byeol:- yaaaaaa! You **** ! Leave her or else ...
Boy 1:- oh ho we got some more victims (smirks)
Ha na :- Victims My Foot ! You just come here .
Boy 2:-  looks like you are raelly confident... So , let's get started.

He started to come towards byeol as he saw that she was not fine. When he came near to her she stopped him.

Byeol:- ohh wait a moment. Let me turn it on (Music)

he started to sing the song Power !
And the fight begins . As spies they knew better than those random guys , how to fight. Se-ron and hana was handling most of them because byeol's hand was not good . A guy came to byeol , she kicked him between the legs and he wasn't able to stand up again.

The guys who were following them , called Taehyung , told him the situation and asked if they should help or not . He told them to watch from far but if they need help , do necessary things . He told him to switch the voice call to video call so he can watch them fighting. Taehyung, Jungkook and jimin watched them fighting and singing.

Taehyung:- Once I get you , then you'll sing for me.
Jimin:- But how can they fight so well.
Jungkook:- Who cares ?

As they fight ended se-ron was a little upset because she didn't get the chance to sing . Hana and byeol helped the girl , hana gave her coat to her and walked her to ger home.

Taehyung:- hyungs! I want her ....
Jungkook:- I have something to finish with them so......


To be continued.....

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