Unsent Message: The First Ever

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November 23, 2023, 3:38 am

Hey! I don't know why am I doing this but, I guess here I am. Well basically, I just want to let these all out. Actually, I don't have any intentions to tell you these things. But, if ever I got the courage to do so, probably it was because I wasn't on my right mind.

Yeah, that's right. Also, I think that if ever I was able to send this to you with me being on my right mind, I am most probably using a dump account. As I've said, I don't have the courage to send this to you. It would be ironic if I sent this using my main account, lol.

So as I was saying, I decided to write this (or sent this if ever I really ended up sending this) because I just want to. I also just come to think that it's been a year since I started to like you. Bro, you're a world record on my "crush list" due to the fact that you're the very first one that lasted for a year even though I'm not seeing you often.

If you'll asked me how or why I even like you, maybe it's just because it's you? I don't know. But, maybe also because you passed all of my standards when it comes about my "dream guy".  

It's actually funny to think that I have known you FOR SO FREAKING LONG, but I just come to like you about a year ago. Maybe it's because last year was the very first time I come to really know you. To get a chance to see the REAL you. That came to the point that I've learned tons of things about you that I didn't expected for you to have.

To be realistically speaking, you seems to be as cold as Antarctica. But, when it comes to the people you cared for? You're like a cute little adorable cat who is so loving and thoughtful. In simple words, you're a softie. You may be playful at times and blunt on your words but, I also like that side of yours. Jeez, I'm so down for you. Ain't I?

I think by now, you have an idea already on who I am. Just from my formulation of words and construction of sentences. Speaking of, please don't judge my grammar or placing of quotation marks. PLEASE. I know you are an English major, but can you let this pass? Pretty, please? (yep with an insertion of doe eyes ><). 

Nah, I'm just kidding. But back to the letter, yes I do like you. I don't know if you're going to believe me or what but yes, YES I DO LIKE YOU. Take it or leave it, whatever. Also, I'm just here to remind you that you really have the looks. It's okay to be insecure at times but, always remember that I'm here telling you that YOU LOOK FINE. FINER THAN EVER. And that, if you think that no one likes you, remember that I'm here just admiring you from afar. 

I didn't expected for this to come out this long but whatever. I'm just expressing everything I wanted to tell you. If you came across this maybe sooner or later or even years after, please still do asked me if I still like you. But, if you came across this just months after, please you're free to assume that I still like you because you weren't wrong. 

If you're wondering why I was always contemplating on whether I would send this to you or no, its because I don't want to ruined what we have. I guess that's all that I wanted to say for now, lol. Please, if ever you received this don't make fun of me because I'm actually embarrassed now by all of the things I input here but I didn't regret creating this lol. Bye bye~

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