Unsent Message: Happy New Year!

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January 1, 2024, 4:50am. 

It's new year, but the year may change but it's still you whom I like. Lol. I don't actually know why am I writing again. But, it's always been like that haha. To be honest with you, a while ago, I actually have the courage to send you my first Unsent Message but I ended up settling on writing another unsent message, haha.

It's new year, will this be the year that I will finally be sending you all these unsent messages or this year, I will still have the same decision to just shut my mouth and keep all of this to myself? No one knows actually.

Anyway, it's been a while since I saw you. The last time that we saw each other was wayyy back July. Is univ life treating you good or is it treating you SO GOOD? So good because you decided to fall for that clingy girl that you use to tell us about?

To be honest with you, I'm actually jealous of her. I know I don't have the right to be but, I can't help it. Specially when she can cling on you whenever she wanted without you getting annoyed at. Imagine, you just known her like a year ago when we started college but she seems comfortable around you, YOU SEEM COMFORTABLE AROUND HER which is I didn't expect to happen. 

I was jealous because I know you first yet, I wasn't able to do the things she does to you. Like hang out with you most of the time, cling on you, and probably annoy you just because she's bored also the fact that she can share anything with you while if I did that I always feels like I'm oversharing. She's so lucky, lol. But, if ever you guys ended up dating. I hope she can treat you more than I am capable too. May she like or love you more than I do. Due to the fact that it is what you deserve. 

But despite of all of this, I still appreciate that you talk to me and just let me rant a bit on you whenever you asked me how univ is treating me. I appreciate every details that you share to me whenever we're left alone. But the thing that you did that I most appreciated was whenever you share some insights on my rants just for us not to have an awkward silence and make me comfortable around you. Thank you.

It's just funny for me that I am the Communication Major between the two of us yet you're the one who always, ALWAYS start our conversation. By the way, did you enjoy your Christmas and New Year? I hope you do because I enjoyed mine, just sharing.

I just came by to asked you all this but I ended up somehow ranting. Anyways, what do you think this year will bring to the both of us? Will I finally be able to tell all of these things to you that will lead us to be claiming each other? Or worst case scenario, I might lose you. I hope not, that's the least thing that I wanted to happen. 

Got to go, I'm kind of sleepy right now due to the fact that I somehow drink some soju with friends. Don't worry I know my limits, even though I know you might not care whether I was drunk or not. 

Just to close this message for the last year, I just want to say that I'm glad that I was able to see the real you and share some good memories with you. Thank you for being part of my 2023. I hope 2024 will lead the both of us to something, you know what I mean. LOL. But seriously speaking. Happy holidays, my cially.

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