5.2 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝

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"Hash! Thankfully I'm not late" you settled on your seat with your books,heaving a sigh of relief. 'Seems like he's late as well', you glanced at the empty seat next to you. Not surprising because delinquents were meant to be that way but at least that saved you some misery.

During your few spare minutes you darted your eyes across the room which had turned awfully silent ever since you arrived. All eyes were scrutinizing your figure until you became aware and the class immediately started imitating to talk with each other to release the tension.

You grinned eccentrically and turned your head to the blackboard and the class went silent again. You were 10 thousand percent sure they were doing the same act as before and you were starting to get those 'Look that's Kai who slandered Akumu. What the hell happened that the mice became the lion?' vibe. Speaking of Akumu-bitch, you slowly turned the head to her direction only to find her staring so dangerously hard,it would make a grown man cry.

You gulped anxiously and turned your to the blackboard again crying internally. Well that was expected of her but it's even more terrifying at the moment.

You sat there like a statue while each and every person of the class gawked, sprouting all your hidden inner insecurities. Did I wear the wrong uniform? You slowly ducked a bit to your shoulder level Am I stinking or something? You questioned to yourself, however you found nothing odd. You were dying for the teacher, who wasn't seen anywhere, to enter the class and pull you out from the misery. It was as if the whole class was planning the doom for you.

Trying to calm the situation down you looked at the window as a distraction "Oh look, what a beautiful day it is~"

"Seriously? " a deep voice muttered and you found yourself looking at Mei who deadpanned at you for your frolic behavior. Oh no, the murderer arrived. Befriend him! Befriend HIMMM

You flinched at his sudden entry "Ouh-h! Hey Mei-! Didn't see ya there. I didn't pay attention how you entered the class either. Do you have Ninja moves or something? "

He gaped at you like a gorilla and settled down with a huff. Seems like he sensed the staring-situation too because the next second he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The class , which was staring at you till now, started doing their work intimidated by the male. You blinked in awe.Wow, you didn't know he could do this.Damn , that was cool.

"Seriously don't you have anything else to talk about?" he raised his eye brows to which you stammered. You had been so lost trying to find why the class looked at you as if you were a fine piece of art that you had totally forgotten you will need to think about things to communicate with the said male. "Fuck, you're still dumb" he mumbled and opened his book to focus instead.

And there went the opportunity, back into the drains. But you were insistent. If you don't want to die , befriend the enemy. "What you did right now was really cool " you complimented "Thank you for that"

The male eyed you suspiciously but didn't reply and you when back to what you were doing.

Cringing over yourself.

"Kai-san! Over here! " Himari waved at you with full enthusiasm so you could spot them sitting on the tables near the windows of the cafeteria while the blonde haired Ito quickly stiffened at your presence stitching a fake smile on his face. "It took you so long to reach here Kai-san. Ito and me were almost waiting forever for you"

You caught Ito's eyes twitched over Himari's words. Welcome to the third wheel.

"Sorry, to keep you and Ito-san waiting " you apologized settling down.

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