Chapter 2

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"W-what are you!?"

The small thing had its arms up in defense (not like it would do much) and said "Please don't eat me." In a quiet voice.

Before you could get anything out, more of the little things started coming out of hiding and running around like those nasty ass rats from Ratatouille. You almost screamed in fear and stood up.

looking back at the one in your hand it had jumped off and disappeared.

A hundred thoughts went through your mind. "How did they get in? Why are they here? Was I drugged?"

More kept on coming out screaming and fainting at the sight of you.

"Guys calm down!" Called one of the trolls.

It was a bright pink one with green and blue clothes on, she had her hands cupped on her mouth and seemed to be in charge.

"Hey what's going on!" You say standing still so as to not accidentally step on one of the little guys.

She made eye contact with you and started to say something but was pulled away by another gray one who seemed to be scolding her.

By now most of the Trolls were gone and hiding again. The few that hadn't found a place to hide in would run around, stop, scream at you before scrambling around again. But even they disappeared.

"This can't be real." you say to yourself. "this can't be. I bet this is all just some weird dream and I just need to go to sleep and forget this ever happened." You sighed "Yeah, I just need some sleep."

Slowly walking out of the kitchen you head to your bedroom. Opening the door to your bedroom you flop down on your bed and curl up into a ball. It took awhile to fall asleep but eventually you did.

The next morning you woke up still feeling a little tired but better than yesterday. Sighing you watch snow fall outside until you realize that you were in your bed and not the couch even though you fell asleep there.

Getting out of bed you walk to the kitchen to see if the crackers were still on the floor. And there they were laying in the same place as the previous night.

"So it did happen." you say in disbelief. "But if it did happen, where are they now?" you think as you look around. "Must be still hiding. But they can't stay here. This is my house and they were trying to steal my food last night! I have to talk to them. But how?"

You put a hand on your cheek until an idea came to mind.

Going into the pantry you grab another bag of crackers and throw the old packet away and grab a plate. Setting the plate down you open the packet of crackers and put some on the plate. Then you went over to the fridge and took out a block of cheese, cut it up and lay it on the crackers. You added a handful of raspberries and blueberries on the side along with honey.

Happy with how it turned out you pick up the plate and take it to your living room. As you put the food in the center of the room you say out loud.

"Hey little guys." You cringed a little at what you had said.

"I don't know if you're still here or not but I wanted" You got nothing but silence.

"I got you some food. I figured you guys would be hungry." Still you got nothing.

"Will I guess I should get going than-"

"Wait!" You hear a voice yell.

You could hear gasping coming from many different directions probably from more of those odd creatures. The one who had yelled out was the pink one you had seen before.

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