Chapter 4

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-later in the day

Sitting up in a tree with your blanket wrapped around you watch the night sky. You hadn't enjoyed the party, it had been the same thing they had been doing since you had met at your house that one night but times ten. So after you got a handful of glitter in the face you left. You're honestly surprised that they had survived for as long as they did.

As you watch the night sky and stars you see a huge firework of Poppy explode in the sky.

Then the music died down and you could hear Poppy's voice on a speaker.

"Okay, everyone." Said Poppy. "I just want to take a moment... and get a little real. I'd like to take a second to celebrate our father...who saved all of us from those dreaded.." there was a pause. "Bergens."

The way Poppy had said Bergen made you pause for a moment. It sounded off and the tone made you wonder what was happening.

One by one the lights from the party switched and blinked off until the forest was covered in complete darkness. Then screaming sounded. But this wasn't the happy and excited screaming you had heard before. No, these were the same screams you had heard when you first met them. Horrible terrified screeches.

you quickly scale down the tree and run like the wind towards the commotion not caring when you tripped or stumbled in the darkness.

You break through the line of trees surrounding Troll village and look around. From what you could see from the subtle moonlight something bad had happened. On the ground there were the broken remains of some of the Trolls' small colorful houses and platforms they used to move around in the trees.

"What happened?" you say out loud.

"It was a Bergen." said a quiet voice from below. You lay on your knees and see a Troll hiding under some leaves, quivering in fear. "They came out of nowhere and took some of the other's."

"Oh you poor thing." you say. "Come on, let's get you to the others." you offer your hand. Once they are on, you rise up keeping them close. You slowly walk around the ruins and find all the other Trolls circling around the king and Poppy. Putting the Troll back on the ground they walk over to the group.

"We have to leave before the Bergens come back." Said king Peppy.

"We have to rescue them." Poppy countered.

"No, Poppy, we have to run." argued the king. "Now, let's go, everyone. Come on!" yelled king Peppy to the other Trolls.

"What about "No Troll left behind "?" Poppy asked.

"I'm sorry, Poppy." Poppy's father said. "That was a long time ago. And I'm not the king I once was."

"Then I'll go." yelled Poppy. "I'll go and save them."

"No, Poppy. It's too dangerous." Peppy said.

Poppy argued back, "I have to at least try."

"No. You can't go to Bergen Town by yourself. It's impossible." he declared.

"I'll go with her." you put your hand up in the air. "Me and Poppy will go to Bergen Town." You put your hand down." I know I wasn't there when Bergen attacked but I promise to be there to help them back home."

Poppy smiled, ran over to you and hugged your shoe. "Thank you Y/N."

Your heart swells as you try to keep a serious face.

"Come on there's someone else I need to talk to." Poppy said running off.

"Who?" You inquired as you shuffled after her. But before she could reply she was banging at a door like she was the FBI looking for drugs.

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