Chapter 3

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The next morning you and your new roommates celebrated (mostly your roommates) the fact that the snow had finally stopped

After having one last breakfast at your house you grabbed a big basket and a black coat.

Setting the basket down you let all of the Trolls get in and opened the back door to begin your journey through the snow.

Poppy who was on your head and peering out from under the coat helped direct you to your destination. Or at least trying to.

"This way! Wait no. That way, yeah that way! No wait, I think it's that way!"said Poppy from above.

"Poppy I can't keep following your directions if you keep changing them." You say.

"Right. Focus Poppy." She said putting her pointer fingers on the sides of her head and closing her eyes in concentration.

Rolling your eyes you look around again for the crack before feeling a slight tugging at your coat. Turning to where the tugging was coming from you saw the portal.

When you first saw it your mouth hung open. It was like a page taken from a fairy tale or movie. It was so otherworldly. The crack gives out a loud hiss and crackle like wild hungry animals.

"Oh my gosh." Said Poppy. "I found it!"

"These Trolls are gonna be the death of me" you think tirelessly.

You hear someone clapping next to your ear. "Great job Poppy!" Said a familiar voice in a sarcastic tone.

You turned in his direction and saw Branch on your shoulder.

"Um...Branch, what are you doing here?" You say confused. Other than that time you guys had talked in your room you hadn't interacted that much.

"I don't want to be down here with them!" He pointed at the basket. "Always trying to get me to hug and sing." He said in a funny high pitched voice "Ugh!"

"So you decided that sneaking onto the shoulder of someone you fear would be better?" You ask him.

He stopped for a moment. It was true that he wasn't very fond of how big and scary you were but turns out you're not that bad. Unfortunately he would never admit this. Yet.

"Can we not talk about that now!" He exclaimed. "The rift-butt crack whatever you want to call it is right there! What if it disappears?"

He made a good point. you didn't understand the nature of this thing, anything could happen.

Suddenly the pulling at your coat got more intense and even your hair started to stretch towards it. The basket was almost taken out of your hand as it went into the crack. You dug your heels into the ground but the melted snow made you fall backwards and on your back. Poppy and Branch screamed as you landed on the slushy cold ground.

Your hands searched the ground for anything to hold onto as the portal continued to pull you in. But you couldn't find anything. As the basket drifted off into the crack, so did you.

The inside of the portal was terrifying. It fell like you were constantly falling down, up and side to side as highly saturated colors harassed your eyes. Poppy and Branch continued to scream right in your ears as you covered your mouth to stop from throwing up.

"Oh my god I'm never gonna do drugs again!" You screeched before covering your mouth and eyes again.

Just then you felt like you couldn't handle it anymore suddenly you were sitting back on the ground. Putting your hands on the ground you could feel green grass underneath you. You opened your eyes to bright (but not as bright as the colors in the portal) all around you. Everything had a soft fuzzy feel to it like everything was carefully handcrafted with pastel felt.

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