Chapter 6

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After a few hours of walking in the direction that you hoped would lead you to Bergen town you started to wonder what had happened to Poppy and Branch. You had waited at the hole that Poppy and Branch went into for about twenty minutes but they had never came back. You guess it was for the best. It wasn't like you could fit through the hole yourself.

'Oh no.' you think to yourself. 'I'm starting to care about them, I'm getting attached.'

You tightened your black coat that you had wrapped around you and looked up to see a path in front of you. It was a simple dirt road marked with footprints. And strangely enough the sky on the right side was a lot darker and gloomier. It was a big contrast to the bright saturated colors you were used to seeing.

"I guess that must be Bergen land." you say taking the path.

The farther you went the sadder, depressing and relatable the world became. The grass was dead and the animals hissed at you more.

Soon you could see a large black and intimidating gate on the horizon.

Once you were in front of the gate you pecked through them. The buildings were gray, brown, and leaning over so much they were kissing the ground.

You duck out of the way when a guard with a pointed spear. You put your hand on the wall as you walk around trying to find another way in. There didn't seem to be anymore gates or holes you could claw though. But there was a big dead tree. Its long old branches reached the top of the stone just touching.

"Well it's better than nothing." you sigh as you rub your hands together.

After making it to the end of the branch you put your hands on top of the wall and push yourself up and over. You land safely but unfortunately not cleanly. Groaning you look down at your now ruined pants splattered with mud.

It seemed that you had led yourself in a kind of alleyway.

Walking to the end you hid behind a bin full of trash and old food and observed your new surroundings. The only thing to note was a large tree in the middle of a town center but that was pretty much it.

"Ok I can't just walk in there and start searching around. I'm going to need a disguise." You said.

You spot a Bergen walking sloppily by with a hoodie covering its ugly face. Looking down at your jacket you pull it off and dress yourself up in it with the hoodie over your face.

"Here goes nothing." You say before trudging into town.

-A few hours later. x

Even after looking all over town you still couldn't find the Trolls. Where did you even look when you were looking for Trolls? Under a bridge?

The only place you hadn't searched was the castle since you won't be that stupid. But the longer you look the more likely that was where they were being held.

~"You gotta let it show I'm comin' Yay! I'm comin' All right Out I'm comin'." someone sang out of the blue.

"Oh no, Pop music." you shudder with fear. "Wait! When there's Pop music there's Trolls." turning around you spot a Bergen with crazy rainbow hair, pink outfit in high heels. She seemed to be the one singing her head off but there were no Trolls in sight.

While the Bergen was spinning around she unknowingly bumped into you causing her to fall on top of you.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry (Mr/Mrs), I-I wasn't looking where I w-was going and-" she looked up at your face. "Hey wait a minute, your-your not a Bergen." she said, wagging a finger at you.

"Yeah I'm not." you say standing up and quickly and quietly pulling her into another dark alleyway.

Cracking your knuckles you say. "I didn't want it to come to this-"

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