Chapter 8

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You had your ear pressed against the door of who you suspected was the king's chamber. Your suspicions were correct when you could hear the king speaking to someone, possibly one of his pets.

"We can do this, Barnabus." The king said with confidence. "I just have to lose 30 pounds in the next eight hours."

"Good luck with that." You whispered. Slowly you opened the door and let the Trolls in before quietly entering yourself.

The king was facing away from your party and focused on running on a treadmill with headphones on listening to music. There was also a crocodile sleeping soundly on the ground.

"There it is!" Poppy whispered while looking at the king's cape that was laying on the bed.

"~Oh... I feel good, I feel good~" the king sang to the music he was probably listening to, making you cringe a little . "~I feel good I feel good~"

As the king was singing the Troll made their way to Creek as you watched from the side of the bed staying as quiet as possible.

"Creek, we'll have you out of there in a second." Poppy whispered to the tiny prison.
Poppy turned to Branch who was trying to open it and said in an anxious voice "Hurry!"

"It's stuck!" Branch replied with worry.

Suddenly you felt a tugging at the end of your jeans and saw that the once sleeping crocodile was wide awake trying to rip your clothes apart. It growled up at you as you tried not to scream instead you let out a tiny squeal and crawled on the bed to escape it.

The other Trolls screamed as you almost fell on them in your pursuit to get this monster off of you. "Sorry he's got my clothes." you apologized to them while lifting your leg up of the crocodile for proof.

"Run!" Said the Trolls running in different directions after Poppy and Branch grabbed the locket off the cape.

Now that they were gone you could claw your way to the top of the bed and pick up a pillow to swing it at the beast as hard as you could repeatedly.

"Get away from me you filthy crocodile man." You say as you beat it with the pillow.

After about the sixth time you had hit it it turned its attention to the Trolls instead. Once you noticed what it was doing you grabbed its tail as it pulled you off the bed and on the ground.

"Oh the f*ck you don't." You say as the Trolls tried to hide. While doing this they accidentally broke the king's TV, chandelier and somehow made something explode. While all this was happening you checked to see if the king had taken notice, the king seemed completely oblivious and was now drinking out of one of those things guinea pigs would use.

'Ain't no way He's doing that.' You think as you jumped off the bed to body slam that evil crocodile before he could eat Cooper.

"Hey, guys!" cried one of the Trolls getting into one of the roller skates that Bridget left behind "Over here! Everyone, get in!"

Seeing what they were trying to do you pushed the roller skate with all your might and sent them flying out the open door into the hallway.

"Let's go." One of them cried excitedly.

You raced out of the room after them not waiting to lose them as the crocodile did as well. Running you see a statue of armor clutching a spare and take it with an evil smile. Chasing after them again you used the spare to try and hit the crocodile while running.

You could hear Biggie yell "Everybody hold on! Hold it steady, guys." As they raced through the long halls.

"Satin, Chenille, sharp right!" Shouted Poppy, just then a pair of the girl Trolls worked together to turn the roller skate.

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