Ch. 10: We are Family

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"THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY EVER!" Charlie said, hugging and spinning Emily around, "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A SIBLING!"

The newly named Emily Morningstar... was getting dizzy.

"Charlie, can you put me down?!" Emily said, "I feel like I'm going to hurl!"

Hearing this, Charlie stopped and quickly put Emily on the ground.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so THRILLED to be an older sibling now!" Charlie said.

After the room stopped spinning, Emily looked at Charlie.

"Why me though? Surely there's more people here that could've been adopted." She said.

"But none of them are more deserving than you." Charlie said, smiling at Emily.

"My thoughts exactly." Lucifer said. "You want to help others, so we want to help you."

"But...adoption? Me?" Emily asked.

"What better way to look out for you than bringing you into the family. Besides, us unjustly fallen need to stick together." Lucifer said.

Emily couldn't process it. It made no sense to her.

"But... I don't deserve it." She said, still denying this.

"Emily, yes you do." Vaggie said.

"N-No! I-I don't!" Emily said, her voice raised as her emotions were spiraling.

Happiness because they feel this much love for her.

Confusion because she's wondering why they suddenly did this.

Anger because she secretly thinks this is out of pity.

And fear because...they might betray her trust before abandoning her just like Sera did.

Charlie put her hands on Emily's shoulders.

"Emily... you do deserve this, you are the only person that cares about people down here." Charlie said, "The fact that you care more about some of the worst type of people, the fact that you can see the good down here, that shows you deserve this and more. What Heaven did was horrible, and honestly, those angels can go fuck themselves. You're one of us, no matter what."

Feeling her tears falling from her eyes, Emily glanced around to see if anyone disagreed with this. Not one person gave a look of disapproval or snark remark.

Emily laid her head against Charlie's shoulder and started crying. And Charlie just held her close and hugged her tightly, letting her sister cry into her shoulder as much as she wanted.

After crying for several minutes, the excitement of the day finally took all her energy and Emily was asleep.

"Well, seems like someone is ready for bed." Charlie said, picking Emily up.

"With how much ssssssshe was working, it's only natural." Pentious said as his egg bois moved to check in her.

"Is she okay?/Is she dead?" Two egg bois asked.

"Emily is fine. She just needs to sleep for the first time." Vaggie said with a grin.

"Come on, let's go bring her to her room." Charlie said.

Though unspoken, everyone agreed and followed Charlie up the stairs to Emily's room.

Vaggie and Charlie put Emily in her bed and put the covers over her. She looked so peaceful.

"This kid's been through a lot, hasn't she?" Husk asked.

"Yeah, she doesn't deserve what happened to her." Charlie said, putting a hand on her sister's head, "She wanted to help others, and she got punished for it."

"Such a horrible world. I thought heaven would be better than that." Pentious said sadly.

"They're too caught up in their damn high horses if you ask me. Especially that sister of hers." Husk said, crossing his arms.

"EX-sister now." Alastor comments.

Vaggie ushered the others out of the room, giving Charlie a chance to look at her sister.

"I will protect you... I will kill anyone that tries to hurt you, even if it's a sinner, an angel, or even someone like Adam or Sera." Charlie said, before kissing Emily's forehead, "Sleep well."

The kiss made Emily smile in her sleep, which made Charlie smile. Charlie left the room and let Emily rest. She dreamed of Heaven.

Speaking of Heaven, up in the white afterlife, a few members of the court had question if Sera had made the right decision.

"Emily fell because she broke the rules." Sera said, "It's my job to make sure that everyone follows the rules, and receives the right punishment for disobeying them."

"That may be true, but are you sure she deserved such a great punishment for her crimes?" Another angel said.

"I am done speaking of this." Sera said, going to a private room for a moments peace.

The second she closed the door, she wiped her eyes of tears. It was Adam that convinced her to punish Emily for trying to go along with Charlie's plan.

"You're lucky Emily... Adam wanted to have you executed." Sera said, a tear still escaping from her left eye. "This was the better option... no matter how much I hate it, at least you'll be safe from him."

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