Ch. 18: Simple Shopping

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Lucifer and Emily were in a store, Lucifer was talking with the shop clerk, an old friend, while Emily was looking around.

"So, why are we here?" Emily asked, looking at all the weapons on the wall.

"Just... doing some work." Lucifer said, before handing something to the shop clerk, "Is it doable?"

The clerk took the paper and looked over it.

"It will take time, and it will be expensive, but it can be done." He said.

"Good, name your price, I'll pay anything." Lucifer said.

"The same as usual but considering the detail and amount of plating, it might cost a little more." He said.

"Money is no object, my friend." Lucifer said as he turned to Emily, who was examining a rapier saber she was holding. "Let me know when it's ready."

"I will, I'll have to let Carmine know so I can get all the metal I need." The clerk said.

Lucifer nodded and went to Emily.

"See anything you like?" Lucifer asked.

"Yeah. I never really took an interest in weapons before but seeing them up close, I can see what people like about them at first glance." Emily said, putting the rapier saber back and grabbing a short sword. "I don't like killing but protecting..."

"It's always good to have something on hand if you need to protect yourself or others." Lucifer said, looking at the sword, "Do you like that one?"

Emily nodded.

"Then let's buy it." Lucifer said, bringing her to the counter.

"Really? I can really get this?" Emily asked, holding up the short sword.

"Sure. I don't know if you would like fire arms but a blade is a good weapon to defend yourself." Lucifer said as the clerk rang up the short sword. "Vaggie could also help you use it properly as well. And I do know a few places to train with it."

"Really? Cool!" Emily said as the clerk gave her a short sword sheath.

"Here. Wear this on your belt and it'll be easier to carry." The shop clerk said.

Emily did so, looping it around her waist like a second belt and Emily had her new short sword at her left hip as Lucifer nodded in approval.

"Perfect." Lucifer said to the clerk as he ruffled her hair, making her chuckle. "Now why don't we go somewhere that I can teach you the basics of it?"

"I'd like that. And maybe after, we can get some lunch." Emily said as she walked to the door.

Lucifer turned and gave the clerk a nod, before walking out. He hoped that the... Item... would be done within a couple weeks. He was a bit nervous, it was really one of the few things he had come up with that wasn't a duck. He lost his love of innovation... but something about his girls makes that small part of him come back.

"Remember, Emily, that's not a toy." Lucifer said, "I'm going to bring you to an area outside of Pentagram city so that I can teach you how to use it safely."

"Okay but does that include my new magic?" Emily asked.

"New magic?" Lucifer asked.

As they got into the limo, Emily answered by holding her hand up and making sparks appear in her hand.

"Ah, I see." He said, "Yes, you can use fire, though you're still fairly young, at least by the start of your time as a fallen, so your fire is tied to your emotion. If you've felt a time of anger, it's easier to use. Don't worry, Charlie went through the same thing when her fire showed up. I'm unsure what magic you and Charlie are capable of doing, but I will be there to help. No matter what."

"Okay, thanks dad." Emily said before looking at the sparks.

'I made a small fireball once, maybe I can do it again?' Emily thought.

She focused, but nothing happened, she assumed it was because she wasn't angry.

"Trying to make fire? It'll come to you, just give it time." Lucifer said and guessed.

"Thanks, dad." Emily said, stopping her magic sparks.

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